Glassberg's Enigmatic Legacy

mbpi at mbpi at
Thu Jan 24 15:34:25 EST 2002

I've commented before on my "take" on the much "feared and despised
genius" of J. Glassberg...

What none of you seem to have observed, embraced (or mirrored), is his
propensity for "keeping his mouth shut," regarding his ACTUAL "credo of
allegiance" to what he believes or doesn't believe.  J. Glassberg is a
lawyer, well-trained and well-versed in "lawyerese."  J. Glassberg is
also a much ingrained "New Yorker," the likes of which I've had 11 years
of experience in dealing with.  And for all my years of experience with
New Yorkers, there is one aspect of their persona that I have never been
able to crack:  Their unwillingness (or inability) to respond
appropriately to "confrontation."  Where you could normally "get a rise"
out of someone you confront, New Yorkers simply "clam-up."  End of
conversation...end of confrontation...end of "relating."  It's happened
to me time and time, again:  No "passion of conviction...."
no argument.

I suggest you all follow-suit, or you'll only end up getting your
"knickers in a twist," as I have (thanklessly) in the past...  Just
ignore him/them as he/they "choose" to ignore YOU!

Just my perspective...

M.B. Prondzinski
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