The Butterfly Palace, Inc. Now Lep Trips in Ecuador

Hank & Priscilla Brodkin hankb at
Fri Jan 25 15:40:13 EST 2002

Richard Worth wrote:

> PS.  A few years ago, a collecting group (Yes, COLLECTING GROUP, as
> in several people together with nets) in Ecuador found an 18 ft long
> Anaconda.  Very cool.

Maybe someone can help.  I heard that someone is organizing a butterfly
collecting trip to northern Ecuador - and that it was advertised in one
of the ATL journals or newsletters.  I can't seem to find that.  Anybody
have any facts on this?
	             Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
	          Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
                   Send Mailto:hankb at
             SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association

         "Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide" 
           by Bob Stewart, Priscilla and Hank Brodkin 


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