What is a lepidopterist?

Chris J. Durden drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Jan 29 18:52:48 EST 2002

    We don't have to use blue dots. They are blue already.
................Chris Durden

At 01:19 PM 1/29/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>Anne Kilmer wrote:
> > Why here we are, all working together to save the Miami Blue
>Yes and releases of captive reared Miami Blues are a part of your
>plan to save it.  How ironic that for years Neil, Glassberg, yourself,
>etc. have voiced great opposition to releases of captive reared
>monarchs and painted ladies yet now you all stand united in
>favor of releases to save a butterfly from extinction.
>Are you all going to abide by the NABA requirement to paint
>small color dots on these farm reared Miami Blues so
>that butterfly watchers can distinguish them as farmed
>Blues and not wild butterflies?
>Paul Cherubini
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