Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at
Wed Jun 19 16:31:17 EDT 2002

> _____________________  
TILS (The International Lepidoptera Survey) has finally released the long
expected paper on the new species of Tiger Swallowtail in the East. I myself
had the oportunity to observe and also collect the newly described species
in the Appalachian and Allegheny Mountain regions of Virginia and West
Virginia late last month, and as such had the opportunity to verify for
myself in the field some  of the observations made recently by Harry
Pavulaan and Ron Gatrelle regarding P. appalachiensis, and its relationship
to the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, P. glaucus.

I have also for quite some time been rather perplexed and confused as to the
"Tiger Swallowtails" occuring in southern New England, and how the concept
of a single "Eastern Tiger Swallowtail" (along with the northern Canadian
Tiger Swallowtail, P. canadensis) in that region just does not seem to work
quite well enough. It is entirely possible that it will be determined in the
near future that the range of the newly described species extends well
beyond the southern and central Appalachian region and into New England as
well. More observations and field work on this subject will be required.

Alex Grkovich
Staff Researcher, TILS

> For those who are not subscribed to The Taxonomic Report, a copy of the
> Pavulaan & Wright paper describing Pterourus appalachiensis (Appalaachian
> Tiger Swallowtail) can be obtained by mailing a postal money order
> (preferred) or personal check for $5 to:
> 126 Wells Road
> Goose Creek, SC 29445
> The payment should be marked payable to     "   TILS  "
> Orders by personal check may be held till check clears.   ALSO - these
> orders will not be filled until all of our paid subscribers around the
> world have had the opportunity to receive and read their copies.  What is
> the point of paying $45 (US/Can) or $55 (rest of world) for a subscription
> to TTR if everyone else can get the same thing for less or before you do.
> So non subscribers will not get this for several weeks no matter what.
> Well, unless they subscribe, of course - then it will go out asap :-)
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