anonymous mailing
Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at
Sat Mar 23 01:46:35 EST 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stan Gorodenski" <stanlep at>
Cc: "Leps-list" <LEPS-L at>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: anonymous mailing
> I hope Paul and other readers know that I, and others who have joked on
> this subject, are only doing so in good natured fun and it is not
> intended as an attack on him or his ideas (as much as I may disagree
> with some of them). Before I post something like I just did, I try to
> imagine how I would react if I were at the other end. I felt I would
> find it humerous and not objectionable, and I hope Paul did also
> (assuming a 'Paul Cherubini' really exists...). So far only one person
> has received the yellow card - correct?
> Well, off to the mountains for two days.
> Stan
Perhaps the "Yellow Card" does not exist! Perhaps the two individuals who
have said they received it are co-conspirators in a larger plot to divert
attention away from the successful, massive and unhindered northward
migrations of non-Green Card possessing Mexican Monarchs!!! Perhaps,
despite what the Weather Channel says, spring has not actually arrived and
lepinoia is now realizing that a beautiful spring is a terrible thing to
waste indoors. After hitting 87 a few days ago we may actually have frost
tonight. Something is definitely going on. But what? Or, is who the
better question? Has anyone ever noticed that we never see a post from
Paul and Neil come it at exactly the same time? Perhaps they are two
parts of the same Lego - a multi-personality Lepo. Come to think of it,
none of my posts have come in simultaneously with anyone's -- Perhaps I do
not exist!
E-gad, I-eee, shazam. I AM ANNE!!! No, I am Jeff Glassberg!!! I would
thus, like to officially state - especially for Leroy's benefit - that I
and NABA whole heartedly support collecting as many butterfly specimens as
possible - but only those in nocturnal trans-Atlantic migrations.
Go Kent State - whoever you are.
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