Yay, Mark Walker

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Thu May 9 08:28:27 EDT 2002

I am delighted that Bob Parcelles writes to announce:
Mark Walker from Oceanside California has taken the Vice-Chair, Science
Position in the Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project. He is 
responsible for the coordination and management of the A, B, and  C 
Teams. He and his A Team Coordinators will be responsible for the 
liaison with State and Federal authorities and various consultants. Mark 
has been working with Butterflies for 35 years and is noted for his 
travel narratives.

Bob Parcelles, Jr.
Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project Director and Chair

Bob Parcelles, Jr.
Pinellas Park, Florida
Reply to: ParcBob at aol.com

Mark is a great guy, easy to work with, and I believe that the Miami 
Blue Butterfly Restoration Project will now be able to get moving.
In the first phase, we are focusing on education and rearing host plants 
in areas where the butterfly has recently been reported.
We are also surveying areas where the butterfly might still be extant, 
in the Keys and along the west coast as far north as Sanibel.
Members of the International Butterfly Breeders Association are active 
in this, and have dedicated much time and web space to the Miami Blue.
Planting Nickerbean vine in suitable sites is easy, and there is a 
native Cardiospermum species as well.

If you wish to become involved in the Miami Blue Butterfly restoration 
project, email Bob Parcelles <ParcBob at aol.com> to be added to our 
mailing list.
Jose Muniz <jmuniz at amazingbutterflies.com> is the coordinator of the 
South Florida effort. To report a Miami Blue Butterfly sighting, call 
954 344-4861.

Read about the project at
Check out our links:

If you want a t-shirt, banner or poster, go to this page

Happy gardening, and may all your blues be butterflies.
Anne Kilmer
Task Force Director
Miami Blue Butterfly Restoration Project


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