killing butterflies for fun???

Grkovich, Alex agrkovich at
Thu May 9 11:48:23 EDT 2002


We've heard from your types before. It's nothing new.

How do you know we're "killing butterflies for sport"? Has anyone here on
this list told you that?

How are YOU the judge of what's right or wrong in my life or that of anyone
else on this list? Are you God?

Do you swat flies? Do you kill mosquitoes? 

Do you eat meat? Eggs? Cheese? Drink milk? Do you live in a big house on a
nicely graded lot? With trees having been removed? Do you spread poison all
over your grass to control "grubs"? Do you use mouse traps? Do you fight
with your wife (or mistress, or whatever it is that you sleep with)? Do you
yell at your kids and your dog? "Let the one who is sinless throw the first
stone". Are you without sin?

You are like a lot of ignorant, maybe even evil, people who write to us and
to hunters and fishermen. You do not respect the Civil Liberties of others.
You have no regard for the Constitution of this Country. That's it in a
nutshell. You're also the equivalent of a modern-day Nazi.

You're also a part of a modern day pseudo-religion which equates insects and
reptiles with human beings. They're not equal; humans (even you) were
created in God's image; insects and reptiles were not. The latter are here
for our study and for us to learn about them. 

Joseph (or whoever you are), tuck your (long) tail between your legs and go
away. No one here wants to hear from you, that's for sure. I won't read any
more of your posts. You have nothing useful to say to me or to anyone else

You still haven't told anyone who you are. 

And I think you were lying when you said you "looked long and hard for this
list". Sure you did.

I hope I don't ever hear from you again. I won't even sign this memo. You're
not worth it. You're a nobody.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Joseph Sugar [SMTP:josephsugar736 at]
> Sent:	Thursday, May 09, 2002 11:22 AM
> To:	LEPS-L at
> Subject:	Re: killing butterflies for fun???
> Get a grip on reality????  I am trying to do the right thing here.  I am 
> trying to stop a very disturbing practice and you tell ME to get a grip on
> reality?
> Telling someone what to wear is different from telling someone not to
> murder 
> a living thing, dont'cha think????  We are not dealing with opinion, but 
> with right vs. wrong.  Generally, those who wish to preserve life are
> right. 
>   Those who take life are wrong.  I believe I have the support of most 
> Americans in this.
> And you don't have to be an expert in butterflies to know that they 
> shouldn't be "hunted for sport".  As I infered in my first post, if
> someone 
> has the urge to kill something, then take it out on the bugs that do
> damage, 
> like the moths.  But leave the butterflies, who everyone loves, ALONE!
> And Barb, in the middle of typing this, I received your bigfoot message.
> I 
> seem to have stirred up a hornet's nest when all I wanted to do is get
> some 
> information.  I am very uncomfortable giving other people's names out on
> the 
> web and I'm too busy to be playing the stupid games you suggest.
> Joseph
> >From: Sean Patrick Mullen <spm23 at>
> >To: josephsugar736 at
> >CC: LEPS-L at
> >Subject: Re: killing butterflies for fun???
> >Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 10:58:06 -0400
> >
> >Dear Joseph,
> >
> >Please get a grip on reality.  How much do you know about the
> >professional or amateur study of Lepidoptera?  My guess is nothing.
> >If you have well-thought out valid objections to collecting, then I
> >tip my hat to you and applaud the fact that you're making a personal
> >decision not to collect.  If, however, you are, as I suspect, making
> >a fairly uninformed and reactionary decision to champion new
> >legislation against collecting, then think about this for a minute.
> >
> >Do I tell you what you can wear?  What you should eat, how you should
> >worship, who you can or can not associate with?  No.  Why, because
> >your constitutional rights protect you from my opinions.  Now, if you
> >can convince 51% of the voting public that your right, then you can
> >force you ideas down my throat.  Until then, stick to what you know.
> >
> >-Sean
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Hi butterfly lovers,
> >>
> >>I am new to this group and did a lot of searching to find you all.  I
> >>recently attended an audubon meeting in my county and the speaker
> >>did his talk on butterflies.  I went expecting to see pictures of
> >>live butterflies and to learn more about them.
> >>
> >>Instead, this guy (I won't mention his name - I don't want to get a
> >>lynch mob goin ;)), brought in his collection of butterflies that he
> >>killed and mounted FOR FUN!
> >>
> >>Since this is a butterfly group, I know you will be disturbed to
> >>hear this, but I was wondering if there are any laws to protect
> >>them?  Can just anyone go out an kill butterflies just for the fun
> >>of it?  He also had a collection of moths that had pins through
> >>them.  This didn't really bother me as much since most of them are
> >>pests, but it would seem to me that we would have laws to protect
> >>some of our most beautiful creatures.  What this guy does, and
> >>others like him, is morally wrong and I intend to turn around this
> >>disturbing trend that murder is okay as long as the perpetrator is
> having 
> >>fun.
> >>
> >>Just looking for direction on where to go, and sorry if the
> >>discussion of dead butterflies has ruined your breakfast.
> >>
> >>Joseph
> >
> >--
> _______________________________________________
> Joseph S.
> New York, The US of A
> "A man who preserves a life, saves a life.
> A man who saves a life, gives life.
> A man who gives life, is a woman."
> _______________________________________________
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