Hey joseph

ParcBob at aol.com ParcBob at aol.com
Thu May 9 12:09:06 EDT 2002

Good points about killing things!
You might want to join NARA. the North American Roach ASSociation. We 
champion the rights of these lovley bugs (a bug is a bug is a bug). We are 
watchers only, no netting , stomping, spraying or heaven forbid no TRAPS. 
Just pay 25 bucks a year and get a fancy mag full of your favorite critter.

Speaking of bucks, I am busy getting ready to go dear hunting next Novemember 
and kill lots of Bambi's for fun

Bob Parcelles, Jr.
Pinellas Park, Florida
Repley to: ParcBob at aol.com
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