Killing MOTHS for fun ;>)

Todd Redhead todd.redhead at
Thu May 16 07:39:02 EDT 2002

Further to the 'colors and patterns' - I can't think of anything that would be
flying on May 14 in New York (coming into an incandescent bulb) that would have
'colors and patterns' on the wings.  The only thing that I would think that
would be flying right now would be rather drab noctuids and even then I'm not
sure that any would show up at a 100w porch light.

Todd - nothing but noctuids here in Toronto so far (and not many at that)

"Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus" wrote:

> (snips)
> > I think the best weapon against such people is not through logical
> > argument, but through showing, as pointed and harshly and aggressively
> > as possible, the hypocrisy in what they are espousing when it is
> > compared to the conduct of their own life. Some of this has already been
> (snips)
> I think the only weapon/way to get out of this situation is to educate such
> people. Though I'm inclined to think that may be impossible in this case, as
> he should be 'educated' already (he pretends to be a teacher!).
> Probably the best thing to do is just let him be, I'm still convinced he's a
> fake.
> Did you see those 'colours and patterns' just by the light of the street
> lights, Joseph?
> And as a teacher, you should at least be able to understand the fun of
> learning, what for the most of us it is all about.
> Guy.
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