Butterfly Names/Scientific Names help
Opler, Paul
paulevi at mail.webaccess.net
Tue Nov 5 12:32:41 EST 2002
Please reply to paulopler at webaccess.net
Hi Hank,
We sent out a few copies tht were preliminary ands are now printing replacements. We have orders from about 30 people so far and will be sending them out this week or early next (Evi and I are driving up to Montana for her son's wedding).
I think the list will be a marked improvement over anything else available. It does suffer, if at all, by having an absence of subspecies namews and synonymies. That lack will be satisifed in several years with the publication of Jonathan's Pel;ham's complete synonymical catalogue (including all subspecies).
Hope this helps!
The annotated "Scientific Names List for Butterfly Species of North
America, North of Mexico" by P.A. Opler and A.D. Warren has just been published
in the Contributrions of the Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity. The
retail price is $18.00 (postage paid).
This is the first list of scientific names of North American butterfly
species prepared and reviewed by systematists since that of C.D. Ferris
This list contains the most current scientific names for 780 North American
butterfly species (Papilionoidea and Hesperiodea). Authorship and date of
publication (many corrected) are included. The original spelling of
species names are given in accord with recent practices. Annotations with
literature citations are given for many of the names as explanation for
their current usage. Species are numbered for curatorial
purposes (subspecies are not listed). Significant input was provided by many
lepidopterists, but especially significant input was provided by Gerardo Lamas
(author of Neotropical Butterfly Checklist [in press]) and Jonathan Pelham
(author of upcoming synonymical catalogue of North American butterflies [in
preparation], which will include subspecies).
Also included are a list of Hawaiian butterflies and a list of species
names excluded from the North American fauna (with brief explanations).
The strength of this list is not only its completely up-to-date nomenclature,
but the fact that over 380 references are provided that substantiate the names
The list in 83 pages in length, has clear plastic cover, black plastic back
cover, and black coil binding for durability.
You may return a copy of this e-mail with your payment made out to Gillette
Publications, Department of Bioagricultural Sciences, Colorado State
University,Fort Collins, CO 80523 U.S.A.
Number of copies_________Funds included____________________
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
Reply-To: "Hank Brodkin" <hbrodkin at earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 09:01:59 -0700
>Hi -
>Has anyone seen the Opler/Warren List of Scientific Names for Butterflies of
>North America yet?
>I have sent for my copy - but have not yet received it.
>I was wondering why (and I hope I am not strating another shouting match
>here) no one has mentioned it on this thread.
>Hank Brodkin
>Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
>hbrodkin at earthlink.net
>SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association (SEABA)
>"Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide"
>by Bob Stewart, Priscilla Brodkin and Hank Brodkin
>----- Original Message -----
>To: "leplist" <Leps-l at lists.yale.edu>; "leps-talk"
><TILS-leps-talk at yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 8:08 PM
>Subject: Butterfly names/Scientific names help
>> Folks,
>> I`ve decided to change my Butterflies of North Carolina web site to
>> the scientific names of butterflies used my most Lepidopterists today.
>> web site currently contains NABA s common and scientific names. I`ve
>> the common names useful yet the NABA scientific names to be insufficient
>> put it politely.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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> http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl
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