Niklas Wahlberg
niklasleps at
Wed Nov 6 08:57:55 EST 2002
For info about Nymphalidae in general, you might
want to look at my web pages
For finding out about genus level names of Lepidoptera
(validity, type species, author, year of publication,
reference to publication, etc) have a look at the
British Museum's Catalogue
It's quite a nice searchable database!
The original author of Cynthia is Fabricius (who also
described the genus Vanessa). Have a look at the BM's
Catalogue for a story about Cynthia vs Vanessa!
--- Bill Yule <droberts03 at SNET.Net> wrote: > Thanks
Andy and Niklas for the responses to the
> question of Cynthia.
> Lately I've seen a couple of references to
> Cynthia cardui and I
> thought hmmmm...I wonder what's happening with
> Vanessa? ...Well it should be
> a simple matter of looking it up...hmmmm...but I
> guess I should have known
> that there are no simple matters when it comes to
> generic concepts and who
> chooses to embrace which. ;>}
> I find it interesting that not only is the
> Cosmopolite well travelled
> in terms of a worldwide distribution and well
> travelled in the sense of
> being capable of long migrations but also well
> travelled in terms of generic
> affiliations.
> My meager library tells me this about the
> Painted Lady's generic
> travels: Pyrameis>Cynthia>Vanessa>Cynthia (or
> Vanessa). There must have
> been others. Did I miss any?
> Who is the original author of Cynthia? Can anyone
> suggest a good reference
> where I might look to find these kinds of things
> out?
> Thanks,
> Bill
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