
Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sat Oct 19 19:46:12 EDT 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Randy Emmitt" <birdcr at>
To: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at>; "leps-talk"
<TILS-leps-talk at>; "Leplist" <Leps-l at>
Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 6:46 PM
Subject: [leps-talk] Re: Glassberg's books

> Ron,
> I see that you have taken Will`s posting out of context altogether! We
> the lady with the net and no one in our group had any problem with her or
> the net it at all! She already had directions and we told her where we
> the butterfly last. Wake up will you, seeing prejudice in every word is
> way for a minister to act!


Here is the quote from the post in question.

"We found it (or another one) in the same area again at about 1 pm and
Susan Arrington Boyd found another one closer to Shopton Rd. (before the
pond) at about 2 pm.  Both Randy and I got decent photos of the first one.
As we were leaving a woman from Mecklenburg Co. Parks was entering the area
with a butterfly net to try to collect a voucher specimen."

That's it.  Carolina leps has a long history of being anti-scientifc names,
anti-collectors and anti-nets.   The remark did not occur in a vaccuum.  I
will guarentee that a lot of people on carolina leps took that statment
with alarm.

I know Randy has no problem with nets etc.  I do not know Will's position
one way or the other.  In my post I stated it was subliminal.  I stand by
that.   Why is this even news worthy any more then this type of statement:
"As we left the restaurant a black person went in to eat."  In and of
itself that statement means nothing more than an observation.  But if said
by certain people in certain circles it takes on a life of its own.



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