Anti-science casts a wider net

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Mon Oct 21 22:03:05 EDT 2002

I am troubled by a much larger wave of anti-science activities than merely
whether I am allowed to net (or bottle) specimens for study.  Two days ago when
of our staff presented his research results of a funded study in which the main
result was that he was not allowed to do the study which involved having people
sniff low levels of capsaicin (the active ingredient in hot pepper) to
determine whether some have sensitive cough.  OK, I thought, capsaicin is the
active ingredient in pepper spray, maybe there is some risk.  But we won't

Then today, interspersed among the leps-list postings was a message on
anti-science in the anthropologic society----how some things just shouldn't be
studied.  So maybe this is a larger wave that may engulf us (if you don't like
the net analogy). And try studying human genetic variation if you like


Ron Gatrelle wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX" <Norbert.Kondla at>
> Subject: RE: [leps-talk] Glassberg's books
> > I await with interest to get my copy of said book reviews. I am however
> > intrigued by the words "renegade nomenclature" attributed to one of the
> > reviewers. Can anyone venture an opinion on how one distinguishes
> renegade
> > nomenclature from non- renegade nomenclature ?? The phrase renegade
> > nomenclature is in my view either an oxymoron/meaningless phrase or it is
> a
> > cheap shot from someone who thinks he knows the "right" nomenclature. It
> is
> > customery in most fields of human endeavor to denigrate the views of
> people
> > one does not agree with by painting said views as "renegade" or
> "unorthodox"
> > or some such concept. Often these accusations come from people who are
> > uncomfortable with dissenting views and try to squelch them or who
> > mistakenly think the 'establishment' has the right answers. I hasten to
> add
> > that renegade nomenclature in my view is impossible unless one is
> deviating
> > from the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
> snips
> Many other good points in Norbert's post.  I agree with all Norbert said.
> The striking negativity of the one reviewer is added to by the loftey
> status of the publication it appeared in - The Journal of the
> Lepidopterists' Society.   The significance to me is that it illustarates
> the reality of the widening gap between traditional lepidopterists and
> butterfly watchers.  I know a lot of people in both groups who don't see it
> that way.  But this is due to thier having their own heads screwed on
> straight rather than that of any "movements" leadership.
> The problems will never be resolved until it is acknowledged that they
> exist.  My view is that there are actually a lot of people in both camps
> who do not like what they at least "perceive" the other camp to be about.
> (This can not be wished away or eliminated by denial - i.e. banning the
> collecting debate from list serves.)  In fact, I think it is getting worse.
> A few years ago it looked like it was just a "feud" between hobby
> "collectors" and
> watchers.  Now, we see scientists and scientific collectors coming more and
> more into the fray.  Anti-science has become added to anti-collecting as
> accusational phrases against "naba" via its leadership.  Guilt by
> association?   But it is the scientists who are saying this now - and that
> is significant.
> I am not here to say who is right and wrong.  ( After all. I  am in one
> camp myself.)   I am saying that it can't all just be ignored - otherwise
> we will end up with two basically uncommunicative opposing groups both
> reinventing the wheel.   (Each with their "official" names and "official"
> record etc.)  Are the Audubon and Ornithological Union at war?  Where would
> we be if that were so?
> Ron Gatrelle
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