Butterflies as symbols
jrlyons at bellsouth.net
Wed Sep 18 13:43:47 EDT 2002
Dear Ken:
And yet there are those who are quite familiar with
The Leps imbibing/ingesting proclivities; amateurs
(such as myself) who plan their butterfly gardens
with such facts in mind (and that includes
sprinkling our own urine from a jar over the
garden path, noting how it glistens as the sun
warms the stones). Is this revolting? On my
part?? On the part of The Leps??? I consider
it a private matter between myself and these
creatures who have shown more than a dot
of appreciation. Knowing "the facts" does
not entirely polarize an attitude. I know that
the fleeting company of butterflies can do
wonders for weldtschmerz and add a sense of
some small connection to life beyond my own.
Terms such as "Flying Flowers" are pretty
but I dislike them because because they are
Kenelm Philip wrote:
> > Butterflies are now societal symbols of gentleness and beauty.
> In addition to their sexual proclivities, and cannibalism, but-
> terflies also have some delightful feeding habits, choosing to imbibe
> fluids from urine, feces, and carrion. At Lake Schrader on the North
> Slope in '73 I saw a fresh steaming pile of human turds just covered
> with happily feeding _Papilio machaon_. Pixies of the natural world?
> When ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise...
> Ken Philip
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