Visit out in the field

paul opler paulevi at
Wed Jan 8 11:51:13 EST 2003

Dear Mike,

I have found Panoquina errans commonly in late November and early December 
in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, and it probably flies through the end of the calender 
year there with several flights per season.



At 12:55 PM 1/5/2003 -0800, Michael Klein wrote:
>Well, with all of the warm San Diego temperatures the past 4 days, I had to
>go out and check some things out.  I went over to the Famosa slough, which
>is a small tidal estuary that empties into the San Diego River Flood
>Channel.  I know some of the founders of the Friends group and have always
>been curious about Panoquina errans.  They have been doing some extensive
>restoration and enlarging the pickleweed and saltgrass habitat.
>Well I had no evidence of overwintering larvae today but I did have a few
>interesting insects, a good look at a scorpionfly an andrenid bee and in the
>butterfly department I had 4 Nymphalis antiopa and 4 (2M, 2F) Brephidium
>exila.  The Mourning Cloaks were hanging around the willows and the Pygmy
>Blues were, as usual, hanging around the saltbush.
>So, if the temperatures cool back down and we continue to get some winter
>rains, it is possible we could have some decent Springtime butterflies.
>Michael Klein
>San Diego, sunny and 75 degrees.
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