Releasers - Anne Kilmer couldn't possibly be more wrong!

Anne Kilmer viceroy at GATE.NET
Sun May 18 10:34:10 EDT 2003

aa6g at wrote:
>>Actually, I think the person who said biology is not science because it
>>cannot be reduced to numbers and equations was probably engaged in
> physical >science snobbery.
> You're right, it was a couple of astronomers. I told them I didn't agree
> with that narrow definition.
> Chuck Vaughn <aa6g at>
Oh, I do so enjoy this thread and the notoriety it gives me.

Allow me to add that intelligence may be defined as that which is 
measured by intelligence tests. Which are written ... by whom?

My husband and I used to belong to a rather restricted group called The 
Thousand, or  the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry. (We 
were the only married pair of these strange people.) These folks scored 
in the 99.99 percentile in tests which they made up themselves, a 
wonderful thing. I don't know what became of it.
Ours is a high and lonely destiny.

Cats score low on intelligence tests, since the first requirement is a 
willingness to do what somebody else wants you to do.
This would apply also, I think, to many of the people here gathered. But 
we have learned to fake it, which (I sometimes think) is how you get a 
PhD. Some fake the willingness; some fake the intelligence.

Green-veined whites were flying in the garden, nectaring on the lilac, 
when I arrived on Friday. Some of them might be orange-tips, female, for 
all I know. They were moving fast and so was I.
Yesterday we had bright spells and showers. Today we are having heavy 
showers and bright spells. My hands are too cold to continue weeding. 
For the weeds have done even better than the flowers, bless them.

Everything is blooming at once, Laburnum and lilac, rhododendron and 
roses, lavender and rosemary, columbines ... and the new poppy is about 
to open. John won't see it until it is fully open, when it will shout 
scarlet among all those pinks and purples.

I watched for oceanic butterflies, but, aside from a Red Admiral over 
the Mediterranean off Malaga, not a sausage.

As for the matter of releases, it has been thoroughly explored, and I 
like the notion of using these good and well-meaning butterfly lovers to 
promote the restoration of habitat and increase the population of rare 
and threatened butterflies. This is already being done in many 
countries, and why should not the United States be one of them.
Anne Kilmer


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