Monarch Extinction press releases.

Charles Bordelon legitintellexit at
Thu Nov 13 16:31:06 EST 2003

I gotta agree with Doug, here.  I've given Paul a lot of BS in the past, but I'd like to see him put something together, too.  Stay away from the media and create his own.  This would be a serious endeavor, but I also believe he is capable of it.  8 boxes of matches to start one fire?  Come on, Paul...  Out with it...  cb
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MexicoDoug at 
  To: stan_gorodenski at 
  Cc: leps-l at ; TILS-leps-talk at 
  Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 2:13 PM
  Subject: Re: Monarch Extinction press releases.

  Ditto those comments Stan, further, historically the archive will show I have more frequently than not been positive about Paul's comments, and in this case I felt I was defending the rigorous scientific method, and not being negative towards Paul, simply expressing my recurring desire for unity among Lepidopterists big and small-time, and encouraging Paul sit down and write a mainstream original peer reviewed paper for once, something I do believe he is quite able to do, and I bet that would be actually very welcomed by many, in spite of what appears to be a self-fulfilling personal pique regarding some researchers which I believe is counterproductive.  I further believe that many of Paul's contributions go unnoticed and are destined into oblivion, except for the label that many brand him with, and in the sense of the integrity of science would be a positive influence in the press.  Like when he released Monarchs around the continental divide to test the limits some general flight path population group assumptions.

  Of course, I am not trying to preach anything here.  Just responding to the trolling after being classified as a Lep gangster when all I want to do is learn as much about Leps as I can in a positive environment, well one out of two would be good enough at this point...
  Best Butterflying, Doug Dawn, Monterrey, Mexico

  En un mensaje con fecha 11/13/2003 12:06:36 PM Mexico Standard Time, stan_gorodenski at escribe:

    I find it interesting that I am viewed as one of the 'gang up' gang 
    because I already said I have no position on the danger to the Monarch.

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