[SoWestLep] Cabinets

Kelly Richers kerichers at wasco.k12.ca.us
Mon Nov 17 12:03:58 EST 2003

A long time ago Bioquip sold a twelve drawer Cornell cabinet made of
wood byproducts.  I bought one, took the measurements, and discovered
that it was perfect if you want to rebuild it with different spaced
supports for 14 Cal Academy drawers.  I have bult 18 of them, (hey, I
collect moths, what can I say) and you can build it out of 3/4" plywood,
use ceiling tile runners for the supports, recess the screws and the
total cost is less than what you are seeing for your 6 drawer cabinet. 
You can build two out of three full sheets of plywood.  I could probably
make the plans readable and send them if someone was of a mind to make
them.  My measurements are for Cal Acad, but I have the original for
measurements of Cornell (I have two I bought before Bioquip discontinued

>>> Patrick Foley <patfoley at csus.edu> 11/13/03 03:54PM >>>
Stan and other lepsters,

The Bioquip open-faced Cornell cabinet is just $145. It holds 6 Cornell

drawers, and you can get a kit for these 6 drawers for about $100 from

BioQuip plus the cost of 6 glass panes which you can buy locally at a 
window and glass store.

I don't work for Bioquip, but I have been considering such a system.
comments by the expereinced?

patfoley at csus.edu 

Stanley A. Gorodenski wrote:

> I am thinking of making cabinets myself. It does not appear that it 
> should be too difficult and a lot cheaper than commercially available

> ones. I plan to use traditional plywood, not particle board or the 
> 'multilayer' stuff they now have. Assuming I can make a door that is
> tight does anyone know if paradichlorobenzene (PDB) over time will 
> permeate the plywood and start releasing into the room?  If so, is
> something I can coat the interior surfaces with that would prevent
> seepage? I am sensitive to this because a former ASU professor, Dr. 
> Frank Hasbrouck, died of a lung condition. I cannot help but feel
> his exposure to PDB at the ASU insect collection over many years 
> contributed to his problem.
> Stan
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