Unidentified moth Minnesota

Monarchrst at aol.com Monarchrst at aol.com
Sat Jul 17 11:25:33 EDT 2004

In a message dated 07/17/2004 7:33:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
trgarden at frontiernet.net writes:

<< http://www.frontiernet.net/~trgarden/TomMidda/moth1.jpg >>

Once again, as we have had a few times this year, it is an example of Nuctua 
pronuba - the Large Yellow Underwing, probably an introduction form Europe, 
where it can be excruciatingly abundant!!

See the wonderful UK moths website http://www.ukmoths.force9.co.uk/  Go to 
the thumbnails section, click on Noctuidae, then on Noctuinae and there are 
three photos of adults at rest there.  On one of them you can see the yellow 
hindwings.  If only we had a USA site like this one!!!

Ian Watkinson, Yuma, Arizona.


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