Inquiring information on Lepidoptera

Jonathan Sylvestre josylvestre at
Mon Mar 1 20:19:31 EST 2004


My name is Jonathan and im from Quebec, in Canada

I have a book in french that im sure it will be very very useful for you !!
This book concerne mostly lepidoptera of Europe. The subject of the book is
precisly the public attitude towards lepidoptera and their habitat and also
about history of lepidoptera.

The title is "Sauvon les papillons" which mean "Save the butterflies". This
is a french edition of a  book publied in 1987 by Rudi HOLZDERGER, Joseph

The french version is :

LUQUET Gérard-Christian, 1988, "Sauvons les papillons", Edition Broquet

I don't know if there is an english version of this book

Also, i study the lepidoptera fauna of my area, in Quebec, since many years
and i can tell you about the people attitude towards lepidoptera here.

If you have any questions feel free to ask

Jonathan Sylvestre
josylvestre at

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Diana Reznikoff" <maripoma at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 5:34 PM
Subject: Inquiring information on Lepidoptera

> To whom it may concern,
> My name is Diana Reznikoff. I am in my final semester at the Friends
> World Program of Long Island University. It is along name for an even
> longer story, long story short Friends World is LIU&#8217;s
> international program. The final requirement to graduate is to submit
> a senior thesis. I am in preparations to write a senior thesis, on the
> relationship of humans to lepidoptera and the importance of
> environmental conservation in urban and rural habitats. In this
> investigation I will be utilizing butterflies as environmental
> indictors to encourage habitat renewal. I write to you in the efforts
> of inquiring information on lepidoptera. I will be enthused by any
> data I can get my hand on. Although I am most interested in
> information concerning butterflies as indicator species, the public
> attitude towards lepidoptera and the history of lepidoptera. I would
> be truly grateful if you could recommend any keen literature relating
> to these issues. I appreciate the time you have taken out for me.
>                                     Thank you
>                                  Diana Reznikoff
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