A Million Monarchs Fill the Sky on Oct. 17

Paul Cherubini monarch at saber.net
Sat Oct 23 03:58:40 EDT 2004

I copied the text and photo below from the Journey
North Website:
Over the weekend, Dr. Bill Calvert was traveling with a 
film crew in northern Mexico. He witnessed what was 
perhaps the most spectacular migration of his lifetime.

"There were a million butterflies in the air," he exclaimed.
 "It was just absolutely phenomenal. The sky was pure 
butterfly! Here are some pictures, courtesy of 
photographer Jonathan Dueck. 
But they just don't do it justice. They miss the layer 
upon layer of butterfly as you refocus your binoculars. 
They miss the whole sky full! The densities were just
stupendous, they were just absolutely astounding. 
Seeing a million butterflies passing over is kind of


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