A Million Monarchs Fill the Sky on Oct. 17

Paul Cherubini monarch at saber.net
Sat Oct 23 13:59:56 EDT 2004

Stanley A. Gorodenski wrote:

> >http://www.saber.net/~monarch/Monterrey1017.jpg
> >But they just don't do it justice.
> >
> >
> The last sentence is very true, i.e., "But they just don't do it
> justice". It certainly does not because it did not fulfil my expectation
> of what it would show me after reading the text, e.g., "The sky was pure
> butterfly". No doubt this was very spectacular as Dr. Calvert says, but
> the image shows that in this case one image is NOT worth a thousand
> words. Could this image mislead the general public as to size of a
> healthy Monarch population?
> Stan

On the other hand if you had the opportunity to view this image
http://www.saber.net/~monarch/Monterrey1017.jpg as a movie,
then I think you might agree that hundreds of thousands to
millions of monarchs filled the sky Oct. 17 in northern Mexico.
I have seen monarch migrations like this and it's like being in a
snowstorm except the snowflakes are orange.

Along these lines I have a question for everyone: If the list 
members here wish to post short  5 second downloadable 
video clips, what movie format should be used that would allow the
greatest number of list members to view it? mpeg? quicktime?

Paul Cherubini


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