[leps-talk] Who Edits the Editor?

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Wed Jul 27 01:00:15 EDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Bordelon" <legitintellexit at earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: [leps-talk] Who Edits the Editor?

> Yes, but John wouldn't have suggested that knowing what was to come.
> between the lines, Gary.  What conspiracies?  I didn't say that.  I said
> was rushed and premature.  And it was.  That's all.  cb
No one is to be "blamed" because we don't know the future.  So my first
point is that the hand-out was a great idea.  None of the people on the
committee or in EC leadership have ANY fault in this whatsoever _before the
fact_.  No one knew that when the product hit the shelves that it would
have been tampered with and need a recall.

My second point is that Charles is right about rushed.  When one decides to
put out a promotional product one should simply have the finished
promotional product in hand to make sure there are no glitches.

If the plan went as planned nothing would be going on right now and
everyone would be happily and patting the committee on the back at the
meeting.   But, one person's unilateral action became the fly in the
perfume.  The product has went to the standard customers BUT it has not yet
been put on the AZ meeting "shelf yet".   It can't be recalled from Lep.
Soc. circulation.  However, the bottom line in this thread is that it still
_has not_ been put out on the shelf at the AZ meeting.   Per the membership
committee idea, it is being talked about here like it has been implemented
_which it has not_.  Until they are actually passed out it remains but a
PLAN.  All sides have had their internet say, now it is just a matter of
those who will make the final decision deciding if the product is still OK
to put on this particular shelf.

As I said earlier, passed out or not, it is certainly not something I want
to talk about at the meeting.  I just want to have a good positive time
there personally and show the TILS flag.

Ron Gatrelle

PS  I still have some _free_ TILS T-shirts left :-)


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