[leps-talk] Wyoming butterflly IDs

Randy Emmitt birdcr at concentric.net
Fri Jul 29 16:49:06 EDT 2005


Thanks for your help on these! I read your paper and wish that I'd had 
access to it before I ventured into Wyoming! I have saved it for future 
use. I think I'd spent another day there by checking out the area north of 

I have a skipper that I thought might be Hesperia comma, but I'm not sure 
of it now. This skipper is gorgeous check it out at 
The skipper came in while I was photographing 2 Satyrium californica on an 
early blooming sage, it was such a good butterfly magnet. Again found at 
the entrance to the North Platte River Wilderness.


Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC

At 12:00 PM 7/29/2005, Richard & Johanna Hardesty wrote:
>  Well, I think I'll stick my neck into the noose!   :-)
>I'm a little rusty, as it has been quite a while since last I looked at
>Wyoming stuff, but if my memory isn't totally rusted out, I might
>actually get close to the mark!
>#6:  I'm still arguing over this one . . .
>#7:  Well, looks like _S. coronis_ to these eyes.
>#8:  Icky.  Well, from the photos (wish I could see  actual specimens),
>I'd say _S. zerene_
>#9:  ditto
>#10:  I figure this one to be _S. zerene_
>The thing is, in the SE part of Wyoming, _coronis_ & _zerene_ can be
>confused with one another if one is not familiar with the area, and its
>been too long since I played around there. 35 years ago, I would have
>been able to nail 'em down from the photos, but now, well . . . .  But
>the above is my best shot at it w/o spending time bending over the bugs
>in my collection.
>FYI:  don't know if it will be of any help or interest to you but you
>can download my paper on the butterflies of the Laramie Mountains (which
>includes the Pole Mountain area where Vedauwoo is -- great campground,
>innit??) from this link:
>Don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance to you.
>-- Richard
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