Blues from Cal-Woods Count

Randy Emmitt birdcr at
Fri Jul 29 16:58:05 EDT 2005


I have finally uploaded the blues photos from the Cal-Woods Butterfly Count 
in Boulder Co., Colorado on July 04, 2005. Photos 19-32 are the blues from 
the count at 
the site was loaded with Dotted Blue (Euphilotes enoptes) of which I 
photographed many of them to observe the variation between these. The count 
was a blast and many thanks to Janet Chu for hosting it.

Does anyone know what to call this Lupine Blue (Plebejus lupini) in 
Colorado that resembles the
Acmon Blue (Plebejus acmon)? I know its still under study at this time, but 
I want to file it and post the photos to my main website 

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC


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