Mosquito control No Mo

Patrick Foley patfoley at
Sun May 8 14:52:23 EDT 2005


Ron is doing scientific taxonomic work by collecting information, 
organizing it and spreading it. He does seem to have a 
conclusions-jumping problem, but if there were a twelve-step program for 
that, we would all still be in denial.


Neil Jones wrote:

>On Sunday 08 May 2005 00:18, Jonathan Sylvestre wrote:
>>No ! Please !
>>I think I will be sick....   Stop talking about God or other unnatural
>>things generated by your brain....  This is not science ! This is
>>imagination and fabulation! ... There is no place for such thing here, keep
>>that for your family, tradition or whatever ... or e-mail directly to
>>people... but not on the list please.
>What you have to understand is that Ron is a preacher and not a scientist.
>( not according to the best dictionary anyway)
>>Human inside nature or not ?? Of course inside... but the difference
>>between Homo sapiens and all others species, is that human seem to not obey
>>to natural selection.
>>We don't have the "responsability" to save the earth.... we "need" to save
>>(to stop destroying) the earth if we want that our species survive.
>Yes it is as simple as that we need to preserve our habitat.
>>You can believe what you want Ron.... but remember that if you believe in
>>something, its a belief and its not related to science.
>>I read your text Ron... And you surely know that Its a paradox to say
>>"Creation science" ?
>I am afraid Ron doesn't understand how to form a proper conclusion faced with 
>the evidence. He hears some small fact and junps on his soap box preaching 
>about conspiracies without looking for alternatives. As  Patrick has pointed 
>out there are plenty of other reasons for the Leps- society not publishing a 
>Neil Jones- Neil at
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