temp/humidity levels for collections

Roger C. KENDRICK hkmoths at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Nov 18 08:32:06 EST 2006

Hi Alex,

As well as the dehumidifier and aircon options, I use locally made packs of dessicant that turn to a gel once they're done. Have to change them every three months, with one per cabinet drawer (~150 drawers to tend)! If the cabinet doors were to be sealed with duct tape, this should suffice for a couple of weeks, with no dehumidifier on, assuming the specimen room is sealed from the outside environment. I guess it depends how many drawers there are !
Can you set up a pipe from the dehumidifier to a large barrel (e.g. 100 litres) to collect the water whilst away - if you can, then set up well in advance and trial the system.



"Grkovich, Alex" <agrkovich at tmpeng.com> wrote:     Roger,
 That's fine and no problem with that on  this end...Problem is when we're gone away for 2 weeks in mid-summer and there's  no one to empty the humidifier condensate bucket every day...As I said, I will  really have to seal up all of the cabinets and use dessicant both inside the  cabinets and probably have more of it inside each box...A pretty big  job...

 From: owner-leps-l at lists.yale.edu on behalf of  Roger C. KENDRICK
Sent: Sat 11/18/2006 12:50 AM
To:  Leps-list
Subject: Re: temp/humidity levels for  collections

 Hi Bruce,

For Hong Kong (similar conditions during the wet season to  Sri Lanka), I maintain the room in which the cabinets are kept at 50 to 55%  r.h., although lower  values would be better, just more electricity  required! I use a regular dehumidifier to maintain the r.h., which gets emptied  daily during the wet season. There is an aircon fitted, but this is more for  users to be in a comfortable environment - the temperature for the specimens is  less critical (for users of the specimen room, the temp is set to 26°C / 79°F,  which if the r.h. is around 50% is perfectly  comfortable.



B Walsh  <jbwalsh at u.arizona.edu> wrote:  I    have received the following request for a curator in Sri Lanka:

"Could    you please send me information on temperature and humidity levels
for    better entomological museum collection."

Any    ideas?




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C & R Wildlife (sole  proprietor), Tai Po, Hong Kong 
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Roger C. KENDRICK  Ph.D.
Senior Conservation Officer, Fauna Conservation, 
Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Moths  - http://asia.geocities.com/hkmoths/
discussion group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hkmoths/

C & R Wildlife (sole proprietor), Tai Po, Hong Kong 
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