[Leps-l] [leps-talk] Monarch Armageddon

MexicoDoug mexicodoug at aol.com
Sat Feb 16 17:20:18 EST 2013

I want to clarify my comment now that I see a little better what tools 
are out there:

"it is difficult for me to fathom how much equivalent
habitat is destroyed for each person for their activities (imagine
3,000,000 dumped concentrated into your state - that is approximately
the average amount by state since 1965, btw) , "infrastructure
development", and of course the food they require. "

Ecologists have in fact addressed this issue, although a "habitat 
footprint" is nowhere near as mainstream as a "carbon footprint".

According to the Global Footprint Network, an ecological think tank:

For the United States:

19.8 acres are required on average for each additional inhabitant of 
the US.
9.7 acres per capita, In 2007, was the actual existing usage and the 
balance of land use was outsourced from other nations.
Thus we were importing a deficit of 10.2 acres per person.

I don't know what the trend line looked like to 2013, but from now on I 
think the 20 acres of habit destruction per added person is good enough 
for government calculations ;-(

Am I doing the math correctly, because, 3 million population increase 
per year, = neighborhood of 60,000,000 acres of habitat destruction 
annually.  That is 94,000 square miles *annually*, which is a land area 
greater than all but the 10 largest US states *annually*.  So what if 
my calculation is off by even a factor two if it were to be refined... 
that Monarch migrations or mere existence is endangered is moot.  The 
entire face of the planet is changing so drastically in our lifetimes 
as to frustrate.  There are IMO enough apocalypse scenarios floating 
around which make this calculation just another one.  My question is 
whether ecology has gotten caught up with *confusion of correlation and 
causation*, one of the fallacies noted in Sagan's Baloney Detection 
Kit. The scary thing is, the US standard of living outsources over 50% 
of its habitat footprint.  A small economic change can tilt those 
scales dramatically (the global economy business as usual) and direct 
the pressure right back at us.  And because the current perception of 
how far the US has come in preserving *the* environment is just as 
phony as "carbon credits" and other terrible plans which think the 
solution to pollution is dilution (in someone else's back yard)..

Here is an interesting free book to reach, from a decent ecologist.  
Highly recommended and free:



-----Original Message-----
From: MexicoDoug <mexicodoug at aol.com>
To: dws1108 <dws1108 at msn.com>
Cc: leps-l <leps-l at mailman.yale.edu>
Sent: Sat, Feb 16, 2013 12:54 pm
Subject: Re: [Leps-l] [leps-talk] Monarch Armageddon


It would be helpful to know whether these species' disappearances in
your area were doing well before the Bt corn, or already on the brink
of loss due to the farming practices.  Also, whether this loss you've
documented is due to the larva of the respective species ingesting
amounts toxic to them and dying due to it as was proposed by the
Cornell group. If it wasn't, I'd argue the unfortunate situation was,
at best, not helped by a raging controversy which IMO served to divert
and divide attention from these issues, and not present work in
alternate peer reviewed journals - which could be as simple as computer
models to maintain a greater degree of biodiversity.

Could a more collaborative environment have come up with real solutions
and perhaps a coordinated crop rotation scheme which maintained some
useful wild area interspersed intelligently (where students at local ag
colleges in a supportive roll could participate in the design as part
of their curriculum)?  Perhaps not.  But it's not too late to find out
- I hope.

I'm not trying to be a Monday morning quarterback; and my post was not
in support of Bt-corn.  I'm glad it's not in my backyard, and how
boring it must be to try to go Lepping in such an area.  It's seeing
the tactics used by scientists we trust.  My favorite butterfly
observing grounds was a unique mountain foothill habitat on disturbed
ground which had become overgrown and basically wild and teaming with
over 100 species of butterflies, and at any given time at least 1/3
that amount.  Now, the many hectares, without exception, are parking
lots and malls and shopping areas in a series of new sprawled out
commercial centers - and at the boundaries are residential areas with
manicured lawns and the like.  The development wiped out everything
except the cockroaches and people and occasional vagrant that ends up
plastered to a radiator grill.

I am sure we all are sensitive to the overpopulation problem.  Every
year the US adds 3,000,000 people.  In 1965 it was 194 million; today,
over 315 million.  It is difficult for me to fathom how much equivalent
habit is destroyed for each person for their activities (imagine
3,000,000 dumped concentrated into your state - that is approximately
the average amount by state since 1965, btw) , "infrastructure
development", and of course the food they require.  For some reason no
one is having any success in controlling this and we are stuck with
these consequences everywhere.  We could outsource farming, by
importing more food from Canada, etc., but then we'd only be exporting
the environmental drain with it to other places...

Very sorry to hear what you reported,

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Schlicht <dws1108 at msn.com>
To: leps-l <leps-l at mailman.yale.edu>; MexicoDoug <mexicodoug at aol.com>
Sent: Sat, Feb 16, 2013 9:48 am
Subject: Re: [Leps-l] [leps-talk] Monarch Armageddon

The article below says Bt corn was 19% of the crop then. It's 80-90%
now. While all of this Monarch concern has been going on, we have lost
5 prairie obligate butterflies in the tall-grass prairie/ Bt corn
region (my data in Iowa). Our prairies are surrounded by corn.
Dennis Schlicht
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: MexicoDoug
  To: monarch at saber.net ; leps-l at mailman.yale.edu
  Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 2:35   AM
  Subject: Re: [Leps-l] [leps-talk] Monarch   Armageddon

"Doug, it was Lincoln Brower who first set the precedent
for   using the word "Armageddon" in this article and others like   it:"


Huh ;-0 ??? I honestly didn't know and wouldn't   expect he was the

I wonder what the majority of unbiased   scientists think of someone of
Lincoln Brower's repute throwing out words   such as "Armageddon" to
describe the evolving sciences in   agro-biotechnology.  This is really
an insult to science;   'Armageddon' has deeply religious connotations
and is from the New   Testament Bible the destruction of the Devil an
epic battle when God comes   down and unleashes his fury.  What place
such religious   overtone-statements have in science other than to
polarize/bias, divert   and offend researchers and constructive

I just Googled,   and sadly it seems you are right.  I found this
in Mother   Jones that Brower had written in 2001, which was a result
the GMO   scandal that developed at that time:


It   gives me insight, to say the least.

It seems that Brower for some   reason couldn't participate in the USDA
grant for the research into the   GMO-larva topic program and $200,000
grant (which he considered a   pittance).  Another diverse team of
experts with some of the finest   academic credentials in this country
was selected and a paper resulted   published in the most prestigious
peer reviewed journal in the United   States - The Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences:


Brower's   political statement printed in Mother Jones strikes me as a
scathing,   rambling condemnation and conspiracy theory - political
mobilization   strategy.  Is that an appropriate place to refute a
publication by   trashing everyone in government and industry?  Or
it be better   to respond in the same peer review journal which accepts

contrary/disagreement submissions in a specific format for this purpose

called "Letters to the PNAS".  I couldn't find any retort.    Maybe
you'll have better luck:


In   the 1960's time frame Lincoln had the honor to be published in
PNAS   himself, at least 4 times.  He is also an excellent speaker.

Is   the "Bt-corn killing monarch larvae" in the field still
objectionable by   ecologists anymore, on a scientific basis? Now I
it finally hit me   why the monarch topic is avoided by some list


-----Original Message-----
From:   Paul Cherubini &lt;monarch at saber.net&gt;
To: Leps List   &lt;leps-l at mailman.yale.edu&gt;
Sent:   Fri, Feb 15, 2013 4:46 pm
Subject: Re: [Leps-l] [leps-talk] Monarch   Armageddon

On Feb 15, 2013, at 1:00 PM, MexicoDoug   wrote:

&gt;  I added the search term "Armageddon" for   fun.

Doug, it was Lincoln Brower who first set the precedent
for   using the word "Armageddon" in this article and others like it:

In   the article Lincoln said this about Roundup herbicide use
in the GMO crops   of the upper Midwest:

“It kills everything. It’s biodiversity   Armageddon,"

And Lincoln and Chip Taylor collaborated on a paper
and   wrote:  "We conclude that, because of the extensive
use of glyphosate   herbicide on crops that are genetically
modified to resist the herbicide,   milkweeds will disappear
almost completely from croplands."

But the   critically important information they don't mention
in their paper is that   the field margins of these Roundup
treated GMO crops are teaming with   bumblebees, honeybees,
monarchs and butterflies like this:

So   those GMO croplands are not hardly a legitimate
example of    "Biodiversity Armageddon"

Paul Cherubini
El Dorado,   Calif.

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