[Mendele] MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements--Lilke Majzner

Victor Bers victor.bers at yale.edu
Mon Jul 20 13:17:41 EDT 2009

MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements

July 20, 2009

To minimize wear and tear on the untershames, three requests:

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Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 22:41:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: jetneo at pacbell.net
Subject: Lilke Majzner

in groys tsar zenen mir medie vegn der petire fun Lilke Majzner,der 
langyoriker forzitserin fun yidishn kultur-klub in los angeles,shrayberin, 
lektorin, lererin, un gezelshaftlekhe tuerin, velkhe iz avek in der 
eybikayt  fraytik dem 17tn yuli,2009.

der in troyer farblibener mishpokhe: tokhter Helen, eydem Ron, eynikhlekh 
Brian, Aaron, un shnur Megan, drikn mir oys tifn mitgefil.

Lilke, mir veln zikh keyn mol nisht fargesn!

farvaltung fun yidishn kultur-klub in los angeles


Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 22:45:30 -0400
From: msafadi at cox.net
To: victor.bers at yale.edu
Subject: Mendele Personal

Subject: Obituary of Lilke Majzne\
From: Miki Safadi

The world of Yiddish lost one of its greatest activists with the passing 
of Lilke Majzner Friday, July 17, 2009.  She was 87 years old.  Throughout 
her 18 years as President of the Los Angeles Yiddish Culture Club, Lilke 
passionately maintained the highest intellectual and linguistic levels of 
Yiddish in the club.s programs, conference presentations and hundreds of 
articles that have inspired a new generation of Yiddish lovers and 

Tributes and contributions can be sent to the Los Angeles Yiddish Culture 
Club, 8339 W. 3rd St. Los Angeles CA. 90048.

The funeral will be held Tuesday, July 21st at Mt. Sinai Cemetery, 
Burbank, CA.

Di velt fun Yidish hot farloyrn eyne fun ihr greste activistn  ven mir 
hobn farloyrn Lilke Majzner, fraytik, dem 17tn yuli 2009.  Zi iz geven 87 
yor.  In meshekh fun lange yorn vi president fun dem Los Angeleser 
Yiddishn Kultur Klub, hot Lilke ongehaltn dem hekhstn intelektualn nivoh 
fun yidish in di programen fun klub, in ihre redes af konferentzn un in 
hunderter artiklen, vos zey hobn inspirirt a nayem dor libhober un 
shtizers fun yidish,

Men ken opgebn koved un shikn bashtayerungn tsum Los Angeles Yiddish 
Culture Club, 8339 W. 3rd St. Los Angeles CA. 90048.
Die levaye vet forkumen  dinstik, dem 21tn juli in Mt. Sinai Cemetery, 
Burbank, California.

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    victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)

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  mendele at mailman.yale.edu

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