[Mendele] MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements--Yiddish concerts in London this coming autumn and spring
Victor Bers
victor.bers at yale.edu
Wed Jun 24 20:33:59 EDT 2009
MENDELE Personal Notices and Announcements
June 24, 2007
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From: karolina at spiroark.org
*A Concert series with prize-winning Yiddish singer Hilda Bronstein and
Yair Schleider on piano and accordion*
Each of the four programmes in this concert series will cover a
different aspect of the extraordinary Jewish history in the Yiddish
speaking world, from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. Most
songs will be sung in Yiddish but each one will be placed in context and
explained. The themes will be as follows:
September 13 The Shtetl
October 6 The Ghetto and The Shoah
January 10 Immigration: Israel and America
March 21 New Songs in Yiddish
Spring 2010--- Hilda Bronstein will give a master class in Yiddish Song
before an audience. Please register your interest with the Spiro Ark.
*Time: **7:30pm*
*Venue: At the Spiro Ark Centre*
*Entry: £12 / £10 conc. or £40 for the 4*
*The Spiro Ark---**25-26 Enford Street**, **London**, **W1H 1DW*
*Tel. 020 7723 9991 Fax 020 7723 8191*
*Email education at spiroark.org, Web www.spiroark.org*
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Material for Mendele Personal Notices & Announcements, i.e. announcements of events, commercial publications, etc., always in plain text (no HTML or the like) to:
victor.bers at yale.edu (in the subject line write Mendele Personal)
Material for postings to Mendele Yiddish literature and language, i.e. inquiries and comments of a non-commercial or publicity nature:
mendele at mailman.yale.edu
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