[nativestudies-l] [Fwd: Alex Ewen on "The Native American Struggle for Sovereignty

jkauanui at wesleyan.edu jkauanui at wesleyan.edu
Thu Apr 3 09:33:04 EDT 2008

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Alex Ewen on "The Native American Struggle for Sovereignty in the
20th Century" (4.7.2008)
From:    "Yi-Chun Tricia Lin" <liny4 at southernct.edu>
Date:    Thu, April 3, 2008 1:21 am
To:      "Women's Studies" <womensstudies at lists.southernct.edu>

"The Native American Struggle for Sovereignty in the 20th Century"

Monday, April 7

Adanti Student Center Theatre

2:00 p.m. � 3:15 p.m.

With Alex Ewen

light refreshments served after 1:30 p.m.

Alexander Ewen (Purepecha) is an award-winning journalist and the author
of the forthcoming Encyclopedia of American Indians in the 20th Century
(Facts on File 2008). He has been the director of the Solidarity
Foundation, a Native American research foundation, for the past twenty
years, and is on the board of directors of the Flying Eagle Woman Fund,
created in the memorty of Ingrid Washinawatok El-Issa (1957-1999).

This talk is part of the 64 Days of Nonviolence.  For further information,
please contact Women's Studies Program, at 203-392-6133.

Yi-Chun Tricia Lin
Director/Associate Professor, Women's Studies Program
Vice President, National Women's Studies Association
Past President, Women's Caucus for the Modern Languages
Southern Connecticut State University
E-mail: liny4 at southernct.edu
Office: (203) 392-6133; (203) 392-6864
Fax:    (203) 392-6723
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