[nativestudies-l] 17th Annual Light the Lodge Powwow

Theo Van Alst theo.vanalst at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 10:31:52 EDT 2008

Dear All -

Please join us for:

17th Annual Light the Lodge Powwow
Saturday April 5th, 2008
Gampel Pavilion
University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus
Grand Entry at Noon

Host Drum Mystic River

w/ Rez Dogs
& Kicking Wapiti Northern Singers

Free and Open to the Public!

Native American dancing, singing, and food. Vendors will be on site offering
crafts and other items.

All are welcome! Please join the Native American Cultural Society as we
celebrate with our 17th powwow!

Theo. Van Alst
Native American Cultural Society Office
University of Connecticut
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