[nativestudies-l] Native Internship with Stipend at Indian Arts Research Center

Shelly Lowe shelly.lowe at yale.edu
Mon Apr 7 13:59:55 EDT 2008

*From:* Elysia Poon [mailto:poon at sarsf.org <mailto:poon at sarsf.org>]
*Sent:* Thu 4/3/2008 11:26 AM
*To:* Elysia Poon
*Subject:* Native Internship with Stipend at Indian Arts Research Center

The School for Advanced Research, Indian Arts Research Center (IARC) 
offers a nine-month internship to Native individuals who are recent 
graduates, current graduate students, or junior museum professionals 
interested in furthering their collections management experience and 
enhancing their intellectual capacity for contributing to the expanding 
field and discourse of museum studies. The Harvey 
W. Branigar Native Internship includes a $2000 monthly stipend, housing, 
book allowance, travel to one professional conference, and reimbursable 
travel to and from SAR. The intern will devote their time to working on 
IARC programs, directed research and writing activities, and collections 
management and registration.

Established in 1978, the IARC houses a collection of over 12,000 items 
of Native art of the Southwest. The collection, which was originally 
established by the Pueblo Pottery Fund (later evolving into the Indian 
Arts Fund), includes pottery, jewelry, textiles, works on paper and 
canvas, basketry, wood carvings, and drums. The goal of IARC is to 
bridge the divide between art/creativity and research/scholarship by 
supporting initiatives and projects that illuminate the intersections of 
the social sciences, humanities, and arts. IARC supports research and 
scholarship in Native studies, art history, and creative expression.

The deadline to apply is June 1, 2008. Finalists will be interviewed in 
late June and the internship awarded by July 15, 2008. The internship 
will begin the first week of September 2008 and end May 31, 2009.
Attached is the application and more information about the fellowship. 
Please pass this on to anyone who may be interested.


Elysia Poon
Program Coordinator
School For Advanced Research
Indian Arts Research Center
P.O. Box 2188
Santa Fe, NM 87504-2188
phone: (505) 954-7279
fax: (505) 954-7207
_poon at sarsf.org <mailto:poon at sarsf.org>_
_www.sarweb.org <http://www.sarweb.org/>_

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