[NHCOLL-L:1613] Paleo Contributions

Paleontological Institute paleo at mail.ukans.edu
Mon Jun 3 15:57:05 EDT 2002

The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions contain
paleontological papers in support of the Treatise on Invertebrate
Paleontology, papers dealing with the paleontology of the Midcontinent, or
papers written by friends and alumni of the University of Kansas.   I have
recently created an on-line, searchable database listing all 205 volumes,
consisting of Papers, Articles, Monographs, and New Series publications.
One additional advantage of the database is that it shows the number of
copies available for each publicaton.  The database is hosted on the
Paleontological Institute web site (http://www.ku.edu/~paleo/) and can be
found by visiting the Paleo Contributions section at

Michael Cormack
Webmaster - Paleontological Institute

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