[NHCOLL-L:4019] Fwd: Heritage Preservation Update Fall 2008

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Tue Oct 21 20:17:19 EDT 2008

Catharine Hawks
2419 Barbour Road
Falls Church  VA 22043-3026 USA
t/f 703.876.9272  

 From: heritage at heritage.pmailus.com
To: cahawks at aol.com
Sent: 10/21/2008  9:01:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Heritage Preservation Update Fall  2008

Sent by: Heritage  Preservation
_Reply to the sender_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/raf?ide=AaKqH5Lnp1Vch8Msd0ZSny2KiEUX)             Heritage Preservation  Update  Fall  2008   In this 
_Connecting to  Collections _ (mip://049a0c58/default.html#articles_7) 

_Rescue  Public Murals to Assess Philadelphia  Mural _ 
(mip://049a0c58/default.html#articles_11)   _Task  Force Rallies for Hurricane Season  _ 
(mip://049a0c58/default.html#articles_14)   _Fall  Energizes Alliance for Response  
_ (mip://049a0c58/default.html#articles_5) _Risk  Evaluation and Planning 
Program Site Visit is an  Eye-Opener _ (mip://049a0c58/default.html#articles_10)  
 _Conservation Assessment Program  Application is Now Available!  _ 
(mip://049a0c58/default.html#articles_8)   _CAP  Museums and Heritage Preservation 
Members Honored at  the White House
_ (mip://049a0c58/default.html#articles_15) _December 15th Deadline  
Announced for AIC/Heritage Preservation 2009 Award  Nominations _ 
(mip://049a0c58/default.html#articles_16)   _News in  the Field
_ (mip://049a0c58/default.html#articles_12) _Staff News  _ 
Join  Heritage Preservation
Heritage  Preservation provides its members with timely, useful  information 
and represents them before decision-makers  in the cultural heritage arena. 
Our members know they  can count on us to voice their concerns where it  counts 
most-from Capitol Hill to corporate boardrooms  to federal agencies!    

_Click Here to Join  Today!_ 

Connecting to  Collections   It's  Alive! Petals to Primates: Preservation 
Challenges of  Living Collections is the next forum in the  Connecting to 
Collections National  Tour.  Scheduled for February 19 and 20, 2009, in  San Diego, 
the program is geared to the special needs  facing smaller botanical gardens, 
zoos, aquariums,  nature centers, and living history farms as they seek  to 
sustain their collections. For more information, _click here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAcAAAHaAAI6UQ) .

Resources  in the Connecting to Collections Bookshelf have helped  libraries 
and museums in hurricane-ravages areas  protect their collections.  To read 
more about  the project and the critical role of Heritage  Preservation, _click 
here_ (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAcAAAM1AAI6UQ) .     
     Rescue  Public Murals to Assess Philadelphia  Mural         Common 
Threads,  Megan Saligman, 1998, Broad and Spring Garden  Streets, Philadelphia. 
(Photo by Joyce Hill  Stoner.) Note people in the photograph for a  sense of the 
size of the  mural.   
This fall,  Rescue Public Murals will assess the prominent  Philadelphia 
mural, Common Threads, by _Meg Saligman_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAsAAACVAAI6UQ) . The mural, which is  eight stories tall and 
located in downtown  Philadelphia, is seen by more than 5,800 people on a  typical 
weekday. Common Threads is Meg  Saligman's best-known mural of the more than 50 
she  has painted around the world including those in Omaha,  Nebraska; 
Shreveport, Louisiana; and Mexico City,  Mexico. 
Common  Threads was funded in part by the  _City of Philadelphia Mural Arts  
Program_ (http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAsAAAK7AAI6UQ) , 
one of the country’s premier public art  programs, which has established 
Philadelphia’s  reputation as a mural city. It was nominated to Rescue  Public 
Murals by a local committee of artists and arts  administrators to assess the mural
’s general condition  and maintenance needs as it celebrates its tenth  
To read more  about the Mural Assessment, _click here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAsAAATHAAI6UQ) .         Task  Force Rallies for 
Hurricane Season           
The Strand, a National Historic  Landmark District in Galveston, still under  
water three days after Hurricane Ike. Photo by  Weez Doherty, courtesy 
Galveston Historical  Foundation. 
Hurricanes  Gustav and Ike caused serious damage in southeastern  Texas, the 
lower parishes of Louisiana and elsewhere  in the United States. Heritage 
Preservation's _Hurricanes and Tropical Storms Web  page_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAA4AAADSAAI6UQ)  provides access to useful recovery 
resources,  including the _Guide to Navigating FEMA and SBA  Disaster Aid_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAA4AAAGQAAI6UQ)  and the 
_free streaming video_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAA4AAAIkAAI6UQ)  on coping with  water damage. The Navigation Guide was downloaded 
more  than 1,400 times in September. An _online reporting tool_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAA4AAAL-AAI6UQ)  allows people  in affected 
areas to submit information about damage,  response, and needed assistance. 
To read more,  _click  here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAA4AAAQgAAI6UQ) .      Fall  Energizes Alliance for Response  Partners
The Alliance for Response national  program has a new look. An expanded Web 
page  will debut in  November.   
_Alliance for Response_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAUAAAArAAI6UQ)  Forums have  been held in 12 cities around the country since 
2003.  The Forums, which bring together cultural heritage  leaders and emergency 
responders, are the first step  toward community partnerships and often lead 
to new  networks and projects. Local Alliance for Response  committees are 
sponsoring a variety of programs this  fall and making ambitious plans for the 
Meetings have  already been held in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and  Pittsburgh.   
To read more,  _click here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAUAAALYAAI6UQ) .        Risk  Evaluation and Planning Program Site Visit is 
an  Eye-Opener          
The Mississippi Museum of Art in  Jackson is a participant in the Risk 
Evaluation  and Planning  Program. 
The on-site  risk evaluation in August of the Mississippi Museum of  Art 
revealed simple steps museum staff can take to  reduce the risk of damage to 
collections and  buildings. The site visit in Jackson, MS, was  conducted by a 
conservator and the city's fire marshal  as part of Heritage Preservation's pilot 
Risk  Evaluation and Planning Program.  
To read more  about the site visit, _click here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAoAAAHoAAI6UQ) .        Conservation Assessment 
Program  Application is Now Available!          
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAj-----AAI6UQ) Forms for applying to  the FY2009 Conservation 
Assessment Program (CAP) were  mailed on Friday, October 10, 2008 to museums 
on the  CAP mailing list and are also available on Heritage  Preservation's Web 
site at _www.heritagepreservation.org/CAP_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAgAAAD8AAI6UQ) .  The postmark deadline for submitting 
applications is  December 1, 2008.  For more information, call  202-233-0800 or 
email _cap at heritagepreservation.org_ (mailto:cap at heritagepreservation.org) .  

Heritage Preservation's CAP is supported  through a cooperative agreement 
with the Institute of  Museum and Library Services.         CAP  Museums and 
Heritage Preservation Members Honored at  the White House
National Medal Award. Photo courtesy  of The Institute of Museum and Library  
_The Franklin Institute_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAA8AAAArAAI6UQ)  (Member), _The Buffalo Bill Historical Center_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAA8AAAB_AAI6UQ)   (Member and 1990 CAP), 
and _The General Lew Wallace Study and  Museum_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAA8AAADuAAI6UQ)  (2004 CAP) were honored at the White 
House  on October 7, 2008 with The National Medal for Museum  and Library 
Services.  The National Medal for  Museum and Library Services is the highest honor 
the  nation confers on these institutions for their  outstanding contribution to 
America’s communities. The  awards are made annually by the Institute of 
Museum  and Library Services (IMLS) to museums and libraries  that have 
demonstrated a long-term commitment to  public service through innovative programs and  
community partnerships. 
For more  information and the 2008 Medal Winners, and for  guidelines for 
2009 nominations, _click  here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAA8AAAP2AAI6UQ) .      December 15th Deadline  Announced for AIC/Heritage 
Preservation 2009 Award  Nominations    
The American  Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic  Works 
(AIC) and Heritage Preservation seek nominations  for their joint Award for 
Outstanding Commitment to  the Preservation and Care of Collections. _Click here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzABAAAAEBAAI6UQ)  for 
information on  previous recipients. 
The award is  presented annually to an organization in North America  that 
has been exemplary in the importance and priority  it has given to conservation 
concerns and in the  commitment it has shown to the preservation and care  of 
its cultural property within the context of its  broader mission, which may 
include interpretation,  research, scholarship, education, and/or public  
outreach. The winners are selected by a panel of  distinguished conservation experts 
from across the  nation.  
_Click here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzABAAAAPrAAI6UQ)  for guidelines and tips  for nominations. 
The 2008  Award recipients were the _Arizona State Museum_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzABAAAATYAAI6UQ)  and the _Massachusetts Board 
of Library  Commissioners_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzABAAAAU8AAI6UQ) . 
Nominations  for the award must be postmarked by December 15.  Anyone may 
submit a nomination; self-nominations are  welcome. 
For more  information, go to: _www.heritagepreservation.org/awards/aic.htm_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzABAAAAarAAI6UQ)         News 
in  the Field
    *   Dr. Ann  Russell has announced that she will retire from her  
position as President and Executive Director of the  Northeast Document Conservation 
Center on November  1, 2008

To  read more, _click  here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAwAAAEtAAI6UQ) . 
    *   On October  16, 2008 Mrs. Bush spoke at the launching of the  Iraq 
Cultural Heritage Project at the Iraq Embassy  in Washington, D.C.

To  read more, _click here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAwAAAK3AAI6UQ) .   
Staff News         
Help us wish  Kate Marks well in her new position at the War of 1812  
Bicentennial Program! We are also proud to announce  our new Program Assistant for 
the Conservation  Assessment Program! 
To read more,  _click here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgBzAAkAAAEpAAI6UQ) .    

Heritage Preservation
1012 14th Street,  NW
Suite 1200
Washington, DC  20005
phone:  202-233-0800
fax: 202-233-0807 
We are also looking for stories about events, people,  and/or efforts to 
conserve and protect outdoor sculpture  around the country. If you would like to 
share your story,  please _click here_ 
(http://heritage.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=GMpaCgB0AAEAAAI2AAI6UQ) , and you may see it in the next  Heritage 
Preservation Update!   
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