[Nhcoll-l] Fire risks and whale skeletons

Nikolaj Scharff nscharff at snm.ku.dk
Fri Mar 1 06:38:53 EST 2019

The Natural History Museum of Denmark is planning a new exhibit with whale skeletons.
The plan is to mount them in a new hall build for the purpose,  but there are a number of issues with climate and light. Another new issue is fire-risks associated with the skeletons. The fire authority of Copenhagen who will inspect and approve the building ask whether whale skeletons can burn and whether they should be considered a fire risk at the same level as other  installations in the room - like cabinets and furniture. I am sure that skeletons can burn and remaining oil in the skeleton will probably add to the burning factor, but does anybody know any webpage or literature where I can find more information about this?

Thanks and best wishes
Nikolaj Scharff
Head of Collections

Natural History Museum of Denmark
Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen

E-mail: nscharff at snm.ku.dk<mailto:nscharff at snm.ku.dk>
Webpage: http://snm.ku.dk/people/nscharff

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