[Yale ArchivesSpace] ArchivesSpace Update from Library IT

Wisner, Melissa melissa.wisner at yale.edu
Mon Jul 27 17:59:58 EDT 2015

Posting on behalf of Ray Frohlich:

Good evening,

With the reindex of production ArchivesSpace successfully completed earlier in the day as reported by Melissa Wisner, Library IT continues to focus on performance issues with the application and has several updates regarding both ongoing work and new strategies.

We have requisitioned and are currently configuring cloud-based infrastructure through Amazon that is several times larger in terms of computing resources and situated on faster storage than our current Yale ITS based ArchivesSpace infrastructure.  There is a rush on this work with the hopes of getting test users on the system shortly to see if they experience noticeable improvements in the application.

Database Optimization
We had a positive call with Percona<https://www.percona.com> last Friday, a firm that provides consulting, support, managed services, and training services to MySQL customers.  They offer a performance analysis consulting service to diagnose and provide remediation steps for MySQL based databases.  We are awaiting a statement of work from them and plan to move forward with an engagement as soon as possible.

ArchivesSpace Core Code Review
We plan to soon kick-off a code review of the core ArchivesSpace code-base to see if there are any performance improvements to be had.

Data Integrity
We will reach out to Lyrasis today or tomorrow to explore engaging their services to investigate whether data issues may be causing performance problems either related to the data migration process from The Archivists' Toolkit or through subsequent use of the system.

Finally, we will also soon start a discussion with Lyrasis to explore the possibility of pushing our ArchivesSpace instance to their hosted solution in an effort to determine if they have tuned their environment in such a way to better accommodate our scale.

Please note that we will soon update our shared work document ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z20GVHYnnQJ_rMeZPyiqBfc3m-oq0wr54husC9lLmJc/edit?usp=sharing) to reflect some of the items above not currently included.

Thank you very much for your continued patience.



Raymond Frohlich
Director, Enterprise Systems and Services, Library IT, Yale University Library
phone 203.432.2965 | mobile 347.351.6008 | raymond.frohlich at yale.edu<mailto:raymond.frohlich at yale.edu>

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