[Yale ArchivesSpace] Update on ArchivesSpace

Frohlich, Raymond raymond.frohlich at yale.edu
Tue Jul 28 20:36:10 EDT 2015

Good evening,

We all experienced a tumultuous morning with ArchiveSpace requiring a data and index restore after IT staff accidentally dropped part of the production database while setting up new instances of the application for performance testing purposes.  Since then the service has been restored and at about 12:30pm access to the system was enabled for all users.  As I indicated in an email prior, changes to database backups will be changed to 4 time per 24 hour period.  We apologize for any additional work or inconvenience this may have caused the various special collections units.  With that challenge behind us I am happy to report that there has been movement on all fronts today with updates provided below.

Our new test infrastructure in Amazon is almost ready for testing.  We anticipate scheduling a block of time tomorrow with special collections users to test the system and provide comments as to whether application performance is improved.  Based on the outcome of these efforts we will also be able to provide a set of next-steps.  I will work with Maureen Callahan to coordinate these activities.

Database Optimization
We had a positive call with Percona<https://www.percona.com> last Friday, a firm that provides consulting, support, managed services, and training services to MySQL customers.  We have received a draft statement of work and requested some changes to the document and hope to sign it shortly.

ArchivesSpace Core Code Review
We plan to soon kick-off a code review of the core ArchivesSpace code-base to see if there are any performance improvements to be had. Mike Friscia’s group will lead this effort with assistance from Adam Shahrani, Lead Developer, from the Beinecke.  We are determining when work can begin and I will provide a more comprehensive explanation shortly as the work plan is finalized.

Data Integrity
Lyrasis was contacted yesterday to explore if they can investigate whether data issues may be causing performance problems either related to the data migration process from The Archivists’ Toolkit or through subsequent use of the system.  Key staff are on vacation, so we hope to touch based with them shortly.  Melissa Wisner and Maureen Callahan had  a similar conversation with Hudson Molonglo earlier this evening to determine if they would be able to assist in this effort.

Lyrasis was contacted yesterday to explore the possibility of pushing our ArchivesSpace instance to their hosted solution in an effort to determine if they have tuned their environment in such a way to better accommodate our scale.  We have submitted some initial information to them and have a call scheduled Thursday morning to discuss further.

You can keep track of our efforts at the shared work document here -  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z20GVHYnnQJ_rMeZPyiqBfc3m-oq0wr54husC9lLmJc/edit?usp=sharing.  Please do not hesitate to reach me if you have questions or comments.



Raymond Frohlich
Director, Enterprise Systems and Services, Library IT, Yale University Library
phone 203.432.2965 | mobile 347.351.6008 | raymond.frohlich at yale.edu<mailto:raymond.frohlich at yale.edu>

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