[Yale ArchivesSpace] Update on ArchivesSpace

Frohlich, Raymond raymond.frohlich at yale.edu
Wed Jul 29 20:03:29 EDT 2015

Good evening,

There are several updates to provide you regarding ArchivesSpace.

Tomorrow at 9am a select group of ArchivesSpace users will log in to a new test instance of the application running in Amazon Web Services.  Based on the outcome of the test Library IT will be able to provide a set of next steps.  More to come tomorrow.

Database Optimization
Preparation was underway today to get systems access and logging established for an engagement with Percona<https://www.percona.com>.   The firm provides consulting, support, managed services, and training services to MySQL customers.  We plan to sign the statement of work tomorrow and will schedule the work soon thereafter.

ArchivesSpace Core Code Review
No news to report today.

Data Integrity
No news to report today.

We have a call scheduled tomorrow with Lyrasis to determine if we may be able to take advantage of their hosted ArchivesSpace service.

You can keep track of our efforts at the shared work document here -  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z20GVHYnnQJ_rMeZPyiqBfc3m-oq0wr54husC9lLmJc/edit?usp=sharing.  Please do not hesitate to reach me if you have questions or comments.



Raymond Frohlich
Director, Enterprise Systems and Services, Library IT, Yale University Library
phone 203.432.2965 | mobile 347.351.6008 | raymond.frohlich at yale.edu<mailto:raymond.frohlich at yale.edu>

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