[Yale ArchivesSpace] Update on ArchivesSpace

Frohlich, Raymond raymond.frohlich at yale.edu
Thu Jul 30 17:20:55 EDT 2015

Good evening everyone,

There are several ArchivesSpace updates to provide today.

Today at 9am a select group of ArchivesSpace users were available to test an instance of the application running in Amazon Web Services.  Library IT has not yet seen the survey results but look forward to hearing about the training outcomes tomorrow.  Thank you for your assistance!

Database Optimization
Tomorrow at 9am another round of testing will begin in our local test instance of ArchivesSpace in preparation for the performance analysis work to be done by Percona.

ArchivesSpace Core Code Review
We have a request in to Hudson Molonglo to turn around a statement of work to review both the ArchivesSpace core code, conduct a full performance audit of the existing ArchivesSpace solution stack on our current environment to identify potential areas for improvement, and provide the test scripts and documentation required for YUL to reproduce the performance tests outlined in the “Yale ArchivesSpace Performance Analysis Report” on pg. 5, dated July 2, 2015.

Data Integrity
No news to report today.

We had a very constructive call with Lyrasis today to get a sense of their ArchivesSpace hosting service.  They will develop a proposal, cost estimates, and some documentation we have requested about the service so that we can better understand all of the implications of moving to a hosted solution.

You can keep track of our efforts at the shared work document here -  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z20GVHYnnQJ_rMeZPyiqBfc3m-oq0wr54husC9lLmJc/edit?usp=sharing.  Please do not hesitate to reach me if you have questions or comments.



Raymond Frohlich
Director, Enterprise Systems and Services, Library IT, Yale University Library
phone 203.432.2965 | mobile 347.351.6008 | raymond.frohlich at yale.edu<mailto:raymond.frohlich at yale.edu>

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