[Nhcoll-l] digitization workflow

Max Caspers max.caspers at naturalis.nl
Thu Apr 15 09:31:56 EDT 2021

Dear Thomas,

A few years ago we developed a workflow for digitizing and rehousing
papered and unidentified Lepidoptera. Its quite a different type of
collection, but surely aspects such as workflow (logistics, sequence of
steps) or approach to registration (verbatim vs. interpretation for
example) are transferable. This particular workflow was also designed to be
operable by non-specialist collection staff and volunteers. You can read
more about it here: https://nl.pensoft.net/article/28654/download/pdf/
(Caspers et al. 2019 - Butterflies in Bags). Id be happy to talk more about
our experiences with this project, just send me an invite.

Gr. Max

On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 at 14:55, Schossleitner, T. <T.Schossleitner at mfn.berlin>

> Hi,
> in the paleontological collections of the museum für Naturkunde Berlin we
> are trying to optimize our digitization workflow (labeling the specimen,
> taking a photo of the label and an overview picture of the specimen,
> entering general information in a database). As there is the wish to push
> the time needed for one specimen below a certain threshold without
> deviating from certain standards (like labeling each specimen and entering
> a minimum dataset), we have seen some general workflows I would be
> interested in more specific workflows and what your experiences are.
> Which steps are included and necessary in the digitization process?
> Labeling, picture (label and overview of the object), data entering and
> rehousing?
> Minimum dataset?
> A general idea what time is needed per specimen?
> Limits?
> Quite a question I know, but I’d be happy about every input I can get.
> Thanks and kind regards
> Thomas
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Met vriendelijke groet,

Max Caspers
Senior Collectiebeheerder

- +31629626378
max.caspers at naturalis.nl - www.naturalis.nl
Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden
Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden
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