Kobayashi's Inochi Bonifuro

Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary
Thu Feb 8 23:09:10 EST 2001

KOYAMA Shigeru (b.1929).  "Kamiyama" is a misreading of the kanji.  English
title of the film, by the way, is INN OF EVIL.


>From: "Jim Beaver" <jumblejim at prodigy.net>
>To: <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
>Subject: Kobayashi's Inochi Bonifuro
>Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 18:31:55 -0800

>In Kobayashi's 1971 film Inochi Bonifuro, is Officer Kanedo played by
>Shigeru Kamiyama or by Shigeru Kouyama?  I have sources suggesting each, and
>each actor was active at that time.
>Jim Beaver
>Nawyecka Productions
>Van Nuys CA

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