Chaplin in Japan

Kathryn Millard kmillard at
Sun Sep 12 18:52:17 EDT 2004

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions or leads on some research
I'm doing on Chaplin and his influence in Japan? 
I'm particularly interested in Japanese actors/performers who may have
adopted, borrowed, translated the tramp image.  
Some time ago, people sent me some suggestions in response to a post on
Bit also interested in any footage, photos of Charlie Chaplin in Japan,
tv ads featuring the tramp character, any contemporary Chaplin imitators
or merchandise tghat anyone might have come across.  Any thoughts much
appreciated.  Will be in Tokyo and Kyoto briefly soon. 
Also, does anyone know what would be the best way to contact Donald
Richie?  Very interested in his chapter on Chaplin in his book on
visitors to Japan.
Kathryn Millard  (Writer/Director)
Department Of Media
Macquarie University,
Sydney, Australia
Kathryn Millard
PO Box 5197
Australia, 1475
kmillard at
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