Please take me off your list.

Aaron Gerow aaron.gerow at
Thu Aug 9 00:33:49 EDT 2007

Sorry for the hubbub over someone leaving the list.

As I have repeatedly noted before: unless you want to be subjected to 
public condemnation by sending a mail to the entire list to leave the 
list (as happened this time), I do strongly suggest you keep the 
welcome mail you got when you subscribed and follow its instructions 
when you want to leave.

If you have lost the welcome message and need to know the instructions 
on how to leave (or do other commands), you can get the information 
message as described below. It contains most of the commands.

We owners can help in situations when you cannot do it yourself (in 
those cases, send a mail to us, not the list), but we can't manage all 
requests for a change in subscription options. We do apologize if we 
missed a previous request, but ultimately it is the subscriber's 
responsibility to manage their own list status.

Aaron Gerow
KineJapan owner

Assistant Professor
Film Studies Program/East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University

For list commands, send "information kinejapan" to
listserver at
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