AW: 3 Japanese fantasy cinema titles needed

Stefan Nutz nuzumaki at
Wed Mar 3 19:14:43 EST 2010

Obayashi made a remake of his 1982 version of Tenkosei. Subtitles are

You could compare both versions, this could be interesting as both have
plenty of teenager-dialogues.





Von: owner-KineJapan at
[mailto:owner-KineJapan at] Im Auftrag von noble 1362
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 4. März 2010 00:34
An: kinejapan at
Betreff: RE: 3 Japanese fantasy cinema titles needed


Ooe-yama Shuten-dôji AKA The ogre of mount Oe directed by Tokuzo Tanaka
(1960) or Nippon tanjo AKA The Birth of Japan (1959) directed by Hiroshi
Inagaki are two to consider.
For the 80's how about Shuji Terayama's Saraba Hakobune aka Farewell To The
Ark (1984) or Tenkosei aka Exchange Students (1982) directed by Nobuhiko
Obayashi (although this may not meet your criteria) or Masahiro Shinoda's
Sakura no mori no mankai no shita aka Under the Cherry Blossoms which is
1975 so may also not be applicable.
For the current decade there is Yoshitaka Amano's Yume jû-ya aka Ten Nights
of Dreams (2006) or Sogo Ishii's Mizu no naka no hachigatsu AKA August in
the Water (1995).
There are many more. These just come to mind right now and may not fit the
"fantasy" film genre as tightly as you may want.


Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 23:06:16 +0000
From: 204172 at
To: KineJapan at
Subject: 3 Japanese fantasy cinema titles needed

Hi all,


I have posted here regarding the same research project before, and I have
got to the stage of doing my own close analysis of subtitle translation of 3
films in different eras.  However, I am not so au fait with the range of
fantasy films on offer, so I would be eternally grateful if somebody could
suggest 3 Japanese fantasy film subtitles, one film from the 60s, one from
the 80s, and one from this decade, and ones that have been subtitled into
English. I am also looking for the scripts of the original japanese
dialogues, and should be able to find them myself, but if anyone has links
to those as well, that would be ideal. I have chosen the genre of fantasy
due to its tendency to lend itself to opportunities for 'creative'







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