[Leps-l] [leps-talk] Monarch Armageddon
Dennis Schlicht
dws1108 at msn.com
Sat Feb 16 09:48:12 EST 2013
The article below says Bt corn was 19% of the crop then. It's 80-90% now. While all of this Monarch concern has been going on, we have lost 5 prairie obligate butterflies in the tall-grass prairie/ Bt corn region (my data in Iowa). Our prairies are surrounded by corn.
Dennis Schlicht
----- Original Message -----
From: MexicoDoug<mailto:mexicodoug at aol.com>
To: monarch at saber.net<mailto:monarch at saber.net> ; leps-l at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:leps-l at mailman.yale.edu>
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 2:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Leps-l] [leps-talk] Monarch Armageddon
"Doug, it was Lincoln Brower who first set the precedent
for using the word "Armageddon" in this article and others like it:"
Huh ;-0 ??? I honestly didn't know and wouldn't expect he was the
I wonder what the majority of unbiased scientists think of someone of
Lincoln Brower's repute throwing out words such as "Armageddon" to
describe the evolving sciences in agro-biotechnology. This is really
an insult to science; 'Armageddon' has deeply religious connotations
and is from the New Testament Bible the destruction of the Devil an
epic battle when God comes down and unleashes his fury. What place do
such religious overtone-statements have in science other than to
polarize/bias, divert and offend researchers and constructive
I just Googled, and sadly it seems you are right. I found this article
in Mother Jones that Brower had written in 2001, which was a result of
the GMO scandal that developed at that time:
It gives me insight, to say the least.
It seems that Brower for some reason couldn't participate in the USDA
grant for the research into the GMO-larva topic program and $200,000
grant (which he considered a pittance). Another diverse team of
experts with some of the finest academic credentials in this country
was selected and a paper resulted published in the most prestigious
peer reviewed journal in the United States - The Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences:
Brower's political statement printed in Mother Jones strikes me as a
scathing, rambling condemnation and conspiracy theory - political
mobilization strategy. Is that an appropriate place to refute a
publication by trashing everyone in government and industry? Or would
it be better to respond in the same peer review journal which accepts
contrary/disagreement submissions in a specific format for this purpose
called "Letters to the PNAS". I couldn't find any retort. Maybe
you'll have better luck:
In the 1960's time frame Lincoln had the honor to be published in thwe
PNAS himself, at least 4 times. He is also an excellent speaker.
Is the "Bt-corn killing monarch larvae" in the field still
objectionable by ecologists anymore, on a scientific basis? Now I think
it finally hit me why the monarch topic is avoided by some list
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Cherubini <monarch at saber.net<mailto:monarch at saber.net>>
To: Leps List <leps-l at mailman.yale.edu<mailto:leps-l at mailman.yale.edu>>
Sent: Fri, Feb 15, 2013 4:46 pm
Subject: Re: [Leps-l] [leps-talk] Monarch Armageddon
On Feb 15, 2013, at 1:00 PM, MexicoDoug wrote:
> I added the search term "Armageddon" for fun.
Doug, it was Lincoln Brower who first set the precedent
for using the word "Armageddon" in this article and others like it:
In the article Lincoln said this about Roundup herbicide use
in the GMO crops of the upper Midwest:
“It kills everything. It’s biodiversity Armageddon,"
And Lincoln and Chip Taylor collaborated on a paper
and wrote: "We conclude that, because of the extensive
use of glyphosate herbicide on crops that are genetically
modified to resist the herbicide, milkweeds will disappear
almost completely from croplands."
But the critically important information they don't mention
in their paper is that the field margins of these Roundup
treated GMO crops are teaming with bumblebees, honeybees,
monarchs and butterflies like this:
So those GMO croplands are not hardly a legitimate
example of "Biodiversity Armageddon"
Paul Cherubini
El Dorado, Calif.
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