[Nhcoll-l] fatty dolphin

Marta Pérez Azcárate marta.perez.cr at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 08:57:03 EST 2017

Hello Sergio,
We have experience cleaning fatty specimens. For instance, I remember a
quite old taxidermy of *Monachus monachus* that kept the skull and other
bones inside, as Jules suggest. Unfortunately, we do not have time to write so
we have very little published. But perhaps we could provide you with some
of the internal restoration reports (in spanish!). However, cleaning and
other conservation works should be carried out by a conservator-restorer.
Contact us,

Marta Pérez Azcárate
*Laboratori de Conservació Preventiva i Restauració*

Nat-Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
*Laboratori de Natura*
Pg Picasso s/n
08003 Barcelona
Tel. 932562209
marta.perez.cr at gmail.com

2017-11-09 11:39 GMT+01:00 Julian Carter <Julian.Carter at museumwales.ac.uk>:

> Hi Sergio,
> I’m presuming your specimen is quite an old one. Fats and oils can be
> difficult to adequately remove from skeletal material and skins in marine
> mammals and reptiles. It looks from the image that parts of the skeleton
> are still in place. These are particularly difficult to degrease (e.g. see
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.museum.nantes.fr_pages_21-5Factivitesscientifiques_&d=DwIFaQ&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=ujnux6K9mhtTw3P5oqwe6PZtyUrPvqr34R7eWGUpbVE&s=sB9LXk17RSgAvyl_ICtPxiW1o6D-Agb-ZKN6BpIMXJ0&e=
> TableRonde_squelettes_fevrier2012/interventions_fr_ang.html
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.museum.nantes.fr_pages_21-5Factivitesscientifiques_TableRonde-5Fsquelettes-5Ffevrier2012_interventions-5Ffr-5Fang.html&d=DwMGaQ&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=pXIAZI42PI-tUPVmqZmXPH3uBZeF_tVw-vQ9NSMZ-bc&s=TztQzftjaTH9-6l_X2F2p9iCMmN1uP5J7iH6Oz5Dlfg&e=>
> and https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__onceinawhale.com_2013_07_02_we-2Dare-2Dnot-2Dalone-2Dand-2D&d=DwIFaQ&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=ujnux6K9mhtTw3P5oqwe6PZtyUrPvqr34R7eWGUpbVE&s=3yJKTf6xYv-eD8Xdb728dnwUHFmu7GiLT6P39gMZTnQ&e=
> not-the-first/
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__onceinawhale.com_2013_07_02_we-2Dare-2Dnot-2Dalone-2Dand-2Dnot-2Dthe-2Dfirst_&d=DwMGaQ&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=pXIAZI42PI-tUPVmqZmXPH3uBZeF_tVw-vQ9NSMZ-bc&s=2lLoizrlw8JRfNYcV9Eb2pjCvt1uzlOg3wHklyjuR2M&e=>
> ). The fatty acid components will migrate out of the bone material and into
> the surface skin. As it will not now be possible to degrease the specimen
> it is probably now a case of regularly cleaning off the oily deposits as
> these will attract dirt, potentially attract insect pests and are likely to
> further degrade on exposure to air - thus potential ‘acid burn’ issues
> mentioned by Steve previously (if this occurs there is physical non
> reversible degradation of the skin). The ‘once in a whale’ teams blog on
> cleaning whale bone (linked above) is a good overview of potential
> approaches for this depending on access to chemicals etc.
> Hope that helps in some way
> Jules
> Prif Gadwraethydd, Gwyddorau Naturiol
> Principal Conservator Natural Sciences
> julian.carter at amgueddfacymru.ac.uk
> julian.carter at museumwales.ac.uk
> 029 20573230
> 07870448074
> *From:* nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu [mailto:nhcoll-l-bounces@
> mailman.yale.edu] *On Behalf Of *Steve Halford
> *Sent:* 08 November 2017 21:59
> *To:* Sergio Montagud <Sergio.Montagud at uv.es>
> *Cc:* nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [Nhcoll-l] fatty dolphin
> Hi Sergio,
> This looks similar to "grease burn" seen in fatty bird skins.  An
> ornithology conservator may have some suggestions.  (My own experiences
> with grease burned specimens -- soaking and scrubbing with solvents --
> were mostly unsatisfactory.)
> Steve.
> Steve Halford (halford at sfu.ca)
> Museum Technician (Retired)
> Department of Biological Sciences
> Simon Fraser University
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 6:33 AM, Sergio Montagud <Sergio.Montagud at uv.es>
> wrote:
> Dear all,
> We have a very old dolphin (maybe from the last years of the 19th century)
> with an important fat problem. We don't know the original color of the
> specimen (live dolphins of this species are blue-grey) but our specimen is
> now brown. The fat is problematic because the entire specimen is covered by
> it and it looks greasy and shiny for proper exposure. In addition, the
> grease falls on some parts of the wood below.
> We don't have this problem in other specimens (maybe, because this is the
> only cetacean we have) and not know wha we can do. Someone could recommend
> some action to stop the fat proliferation?
> I add some pictures of this special guy.
> Thanks
> Sergio
> --
> ********************************
> Sergio Montagud Alario
> Universitat de València
> e-mail: sergio.montagud at uv.es
> ********************************
> --
> ********************************
> Sergio Montagud Alario
> Universitat de València
> e-mail: sergio.montagud at uv.es
> ********************************
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