[Nhcoll-l] DICE-CT on NHspecimens

Simon Moore couteaufin at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 23 15:22:17 EDT 2022

Many thanks for these ‘aside’ observations Dave,

I know nothing of the DICE-CT technique having never needed to use it; however, the thought that Lugol’s iodine or the use of iodine as a pre-staining mordant for alizarin transparency preparations is most interesting. Do you or does anyone have any idea of how this enhancement might work?

With all good wishes, Simon

Simon Moore MIScT, RSci, FLS, ACR
Conservator of Natural Sciences and Cutlery Historian,


> On 23 Mar 2022, at 18:49, David Cannatella <catfish at utexas.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I thought I'd share some non-experimental observations on Lugol's solution and its effect on formalin fixed material, specifically frogs.
> I have not used in DICE-CT. However, I have dissected muscles on hundreds of frogs, using Lugol's to improve visualization of muscles and enhance photography.
> I used a "standard" histology-type solution of iodine and potassium iodide in 70% ethanol, not water. I'd reflect the skin to allow the stain to penetrate quickly, and did the dissections in layers, exposing deeper muscles and re-staining. I moved the specimen directly for storage alcohol to the Lugols with no rinsing. Often a specimen was re-stained several times, and destained in 70% ethanol (which was discarded after a few uses). I never noticed any desiccation or softening of the muscles or other organs such as the liver or intestines, but I was not collecting data on this.
> I did not measure changes in pH, but I threw out the Lugols after a week to avoid potential acidification. I did not notice softening of bones, as some have seen. 
> After muscle dissections, I would sometimes clear and stain the specimen using standard alizarin-alcian blue techniques. The specimens seemed to take up both the alizarin and alcian stains more quickly and evenly than did an untreated specimen.  Perhaps this was a mordant effect of the iodine.
> Based on these qualitative but numerous observations, as a curator I would have little reservation about allowing DICE-CT staining of specimens, but bear in mind that I was working with generally smaller vertebrates that were sufficiently stained in 3-6 hours.
> Of course, it should be noted in the catalog that the specimen was treated in this way, to inform future researchers.
> Best,
> Dave
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 9:01 AM Bentley, Andrew Charles <abentley at ku.edu> wrote:
> Esther
> The oVert project here in the US has had extensive experience with diceCT and have developed the attached protocol.  Jaimi Gray would be the person to contact in this regard - jaimigray at floridamuseum.ufl.edu.  She also co-authored the following publication - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ece3.7467
> Hope that helps
> Andy
>     A  :             A  :             A  :
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> Andy Bentley
> Ichthyology Collection Manager
> University of Kansas
> Biodiversity Institute
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> From: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> On Behalf Of Esther Dondorp
> Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 4:24 AM
> To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
> Subject: [Nhcoll-l] DICE-CT on NHspecimens
> Dear colleagues,
> Does anyone have experience with Diffusible Iodine-based Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography (DICE-CT) performed on fluid preserved natural history specimens? I want to know if it is really non destructive, if the specimens do stay stable for the next many years or more after this treatment? 
> Many thanks!
> Esther Dondorp
> Senior Collectiebeheerder
> - -
> esther.dondorp at naturalis.nl - www.naturalis.nl
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> Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden
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> David Cannatella                                    
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