October 1999 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Oct 1 01:21:55 EDT 1999
Ending: Sun Oct 31 23:00:26 EST 1999
Messages: 293
- Bait stories and B.S.
- Bait stories and B.S.
- test
- Entomological supplies?
- Discestra
Gary Anweiler
- could use some help
Gary Anweiler
- Todays Posts
Gary Anweiler
- Schinia spinosae
Gary Anweiler
- Rearing Estigmene acrea
Alison Bawden
- Moth question
Zaphod Beeblebrox
- New Ontario Leps Regulations
Zaphod Beeblebrox
- could use some help
Mark Berman
- Discestra
Mark Berman
- Entomological supplies?
Mark Berman
- Butterfly releases?
Aurora Borealis
- could use some help
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- NPS Permits
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- SEABA Sycamore Canyon Field Trip
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Lep Publications - A Call for Information
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- [SoWestLep] Lep Publications - A Call for Information
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Desert Broom
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Garden Canyon collecting
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- SEABA Beginners' Workshop in Tucson
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Digital Camera experience
- You Must Read This
- A good source for pictures of butterflies?
Mark Cassino
- Dying Mourning Cloak?
Mark Cassino
- Dying Mourning Cloak?
Mark Cassino
- Feedback from the Monarch authorities regarding research project
Paul Cherubini
- Feedback from the Monarch authorities regarding research project
Paul Cherubini
- More on New York Malathion kill of (fwd)
Paul Cherubini
- Feedback from the Monarch authorities regarding research project
Paul Cherubini
- Butterflies while cutting firewood
Paul Cherubini
- bflies &BS
Paul Cherubini
- Butterfly releases?
Paul Cherubini
- Dying Mourning Cloak?
Paul Cherubini
- Personal Attacks
Dave Chesmore
- Entomological supplies?
Rev Chuck
- Books on UK Microlepidoptera
Alan and Jeri Coates
- Books on UK Microlepidoptera
Alan and Jeri Coates
- Nepticulidae
Alan and Jeri Coates
- Silent Spring Revisited
Chris Conlan
- Silent Spring Revisited
Chris Conlan
- Nectaring (humour)
Esther Cornelius
- Sense and sensibility (in science)
Esther Cornelius
- Is there any such thing as a non-target species
Anthony Cynor
- Bait stories and B.S.
Anthony Cynor
- more dung
Anthony Cynor
- Bait stories and B.S.
Anthony Cynor
- bflies &BS
Anthony Cynor
- bflies &BS
Anthony Cynor
- bflies &BS
Anthony W. Cynor
- Question...HELP
- those caterpillars that puff up like snake heads
- [SoWestLep] Lep Publications - A Call for Information
Chris J. Durden
- Question...HELP
Chris J. Durden
- [SoWestLep] Lep Publications - A Call for Information
Chris J. Durden
- - A Call for Information
Chris J. Durden
- Color chart for butterflies ?
Chris J. Durden
- Color chart for butterflies ?
Chris J. Durden
- (Fwd) EU rejects Austrian BT-maize warning
Chris J. Durden
- Mutated Monarch Part 2
- Thailand Collecting sites
Martin Ellis
- Feedback from the Monarch authorities regarding research project
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- Butterflies while cutting firewood
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- Butterflies while cutting firewood
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- more dung
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- Convention in scientific names?
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- Butterfly releases?
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- Cal Academy drawers in freezer?
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- Do Females feed on carrion?
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- New Ontario Leps Regulations
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- butterfly biology - help wanted
Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer
- Books on UK Microlepidoptera
Charles Fletcher
- Books on UK Microlepidoptera
Charles Fletcher
- No subject
Terry Fluke
- Nepticulidae
- unsubscribe
Charles Gavette
- True Rationality
Charles Gavette
- More on New York Malathion kill of (fwd)
Michael Gochfeld
- Is there any such thing as a non-target species
Michael Gochfeld
- Color chart for butterflies ?
Michael Gochfeld
- (Fwd) EU rejects Austrian BT-maize warning
Michael Gochfeld
- Quality of Binocular Microscoptes Scopes
Stanley A. Gorodenski
- You Must Read This
Stanley A. Gorodenski
- could use some help
Ken Gowen
- Web-site on moth larval stored food pests?
Bill Grange
- Microlepidoptera pests of foodstuffs
Bill Grange
- Bait stories and B.S.
Nick Greatorex-Davies
- Books on UK Microlepidoptera
Nick Greatorex-Davies
- Label Violations/mosquito spraying, threatens all pollinators
Dave Green
- Label Violations/mosquito spraying, threatens all pollinators
Dave Green
- Silent Spring Revisited
Dave Green
- Silent Spring Revisited
Dave Green
- Silent Spring Revisited
Dave Green
- Ento Supplies in New York City
David Green
- Color chart for butterflies ?
John Grehan
- Color book
John Grehan
- unsubscribe
Karen Grubb
- help unsub
Karen Grubb
- Re-Migration of V. atalanta
Morten DD Hansen
- Monarchs in Cape May, Oct. 2
Rob (Robert) Hilton
- No subject
Rob (Robert) Hilton
- Bait stories and B.S.
Andrea Hoffmann
- Todays Posts
- Important Butterfly Site Destroyed
Neil Jones
- Important Butterfly Site Destroyed
Neil Jones
- killing vs photography
Neil Jones
- Moth question
Neil Jones
- How to unsubscribe
Neil Jones
- Blood, flesh and stuff!
Neil Jones
- New Technology May Double Field Data Collection Productivity
Tom Juntti
- Todays Posts
- Books on UK Microlepidoptera
- Dying Mourning Cloak?
Anne Kilmer
- Silent Spring Revisited
Anne Kilmer
- H. armigera migration in Europe
Chris Kirby
- Lep Publications - A Call for Information
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
- Important Butterfly Site Destroyed
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
- Color chart for butterflies ?
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX
- Re-Migration of V. atalanta
Runar Krogen
- Label Violations/mosquito spraying, threatens all pollinators
James J. Kruse
- more dung
James J. Kruse
- bflies &BS
James J. Kruse
- could use some help
Joe Kunkel
- Question...HELP
Joe Kunkel
- Entomological supplies?
John Lane
- Blood, flesh and stuff!
John Lane
- Funny Money
- Cornell cases
Richard Low
- Rearing Estigmene acrea
- Neotropical Checklist?
- moths
- Color chart for butterflies ?
- H. columbia cocoons
Patrick Marceau
- Thailand Collecting sites
- more dung
Jim Mason
- Nepticulidae
Jim Mason
- could use some help
Mike Matheson
- Insect collecting supplies
Mike Matheson
- Color chart for butterflies ?
Eric or Pat Metzler
- Identify Caterpillar Photo
Gerald Mines
- photography
Andrew Mitchell
- photography
Andrew Mitchell
- Ostrinia furnacalis
- Digital Camera experience
Kathleen Moon
- Personal Attacks
Kathleen Moon
- Label Violations/mosquito spraying, threatens all pollinators
Kathleen Moon
- Entomological supplies?
Kathleen Moon
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
Kathleen Moon
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
Kathleen Moon
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
Kathleen Moon
- Important Butterfly Site Destroyed
Kathleen Moon
- Silent Spring Revisited
Kathleen Moon
- ID of European Erebias
Kathleen Moon
- Freezing Milkweed
Morigi, Christine
- Nepticulidae, Ectoedemia populella
Nieukerken, E.J. van
- Introductions, and questions
Trisha Norberg
- z
Trisha Norberg
- Moth question
Trisha Norberg
- :(
Trisha Norberg
- Micro Meeting/Italy
Trisha Norberg
- Bait stories and B.S.
Trisha Norberg
- Butterfly releases?
Trisha Norberg
- Butterfly releases?
Trisha Norberg
- set leps-l mail
Andrzej Oleksa
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
Jackie P
- Convention in scientific names?
- Blood sucking butterflies
Kenelm Philip
- Color chart for butterflies ?
Kenelm Philip
- Looking to purchase some live moths....
- Do Females feed on carrion?
Sir Tempests Queen
- Do Females feed on carrion?
Sir Tempests Queen
- New airtight entomological boxes
Fulvio Quinto
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
- Correspondence with First & Second Graders??
- could use some help
Kelly Richers
- Insect collecting supplies
Kelly Richers
- Todays Posts
Kelly Richers
- Nigel Venter's Butterfly Manual
Linda Rogers
- Nigel Venters Manual
Linda Rogers
- need some help
Paul. M. Sammut
- need some help
Paul. M. Sammut
- ID of European Erebias
Paul. M. Sammut
- ID of European Erebias
Paul. M. Sammut
- unsubscribe
Nathan Schiff
- Caterpillar ID (Agrius convolvuli ???)
Walter Schön
- Mombasa Mangrove Symposium
MMM Secretariat
- Blood, flesh and stuff!
- Dying Mourning Cloak?
- Monarch Butterfly
- more dung
John Shuey
- Quality of Binocular Microscoptes Scopes
John Shuey
- Silent Spring Revisited
John Shuey
- moths
Thomas Simonsen
- Charaxes jasius
C Smith
- z
Tina Stracner
- unsubscribe
Tina Stracner
- No subject
Tina Stracner
- No subject
Tina Stracner
- photography
- Such a beautiful Caterpillar
- sources wanted for caterpillar purchase
- No subject
- Bait stories and B.S.
Jim Taylor
- Butterfly releases?
Jim Taylor
- Books on UK Microlepidoptera
Ian Thirlwell
- Silent Spring Revisited
Robert Thorn
- Digital Camera
Ray Tripp
- post-doc position in Belgium (2 years)
Sofie Vandewoestijne
- Re-Migration of V. atalanta
Bart Vanholder
- Bait stories and B.S.
Nigel Venters
- Insects On-Line
José Vicens
- Schinia spinosae
David Wagner
- Schinia spinosae
David Wagner
- Schinia spinosae
David Wagner
- Introductions, and questions
Mark Walker
- [SoWestLep] Desert Broom
Mark Walker
- bflies &BS
Mark Walker
- Silent Spring Revisited
Mark Walker
- Microlepidoptera pests of foodstuffs
- Gelechiid keys?
- Digital Camera experience
Bruce Walsh
- Book sale
Bruce Walsh
- moth larval photos, digital camera
Bruce Walsh
- z
Bruce Walsh
- Entomological supplies?
Bruce Walsh
- killing vs photography
Bruce Walsh
- Neotropical Checklist?
Bruce Walsh
- butterfly biology - help wanted
C. Wernicke
- photos wanted $$
Ernest Williams
- H. armigera migration in Europe
Andrew Wood
- Silent Spring Revisited
Doug Yanega
- Color chart for butterflies ?
Doug Yanega
- Gelechiid keys?
Doug Yanega
- STORY - Following the leader: Is this true?
Victor Yue
- could use some help
Pierre Zagatti
- ID of European Erebias
Pierre Zagatti
- Do Females feed on carrion?
Amazon009 at aol.com
- Cal Academy drawers in freezer?
Amazon009 at aol.com
- Important Butterfly Site Destroyed
BigCoolCat at aol.com
BigCoolCat at aol.com
- :(
Citheronia at aol.com
- Feedback from the Monarch authorities regarding research project
JCW1925 at aol.com
- Insect collecting supplies
JCW1925 at aol.com
- Western monarch caterpillars needed for school project
JCW1925 at aol.com
- Entomological supplies?
JCW1925 at aol.com
JCW1925 at aol.com
- Insect display cases
JCW1925 at aol.com
- Recently raised wild monarchs in Texas and reported Oe outbrakes in Texas
JCW1925 at aol.com
- :Correction to post--calculations to prepare 10% formalin solution from 37% stoc
JCW1925 at aol.com
- Bait Traps
Leptrap at aol.com
- Well hung horseflies
Leptraps at aol.com
- Blood, flesh and stuff!
Leptraps at aol.com
- Bait for Lepidoptera
Leptraps at aol.com
- Bait stories and B.S.
Leptraps at aol.com
- The winter comes?
Leptraps at aol.com
- STORY - Following the leader: Is this true?
Stelenes at aol.com
- Blood sucking butterflies
Stelenes at aol.com
- killing vs photography
TNMF at aol.com
- Blood sucking butterflies
whitefly at bemisia.freeserve.co.uk
- Monarch Butterfly
- advice books
malakos at box1.tin.it
- "wooly worms"
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
- Micro Meeting/Italy
- Keep in touch.
jmaxwell8 at hotmail.com
- Thailand Collecting Sites
mdaliman at hotmail.com
- Plea for help in current research
stu longhorn
- Plea for help in current research
stu longhorn
- Mutated Monarch Part 2
alarick at my-deja.com
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
velikovskii at my-deja.com
- Moth Journals
- How do I mount a dragonfly to a plastic post?
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
- Spraying Anvil and Malathion
- Caterpillar ID (Agrius convolvuli ???)
mazzeip at tin.it
- Micro Meeting/Italy
vdpf at tin.it
- Noctuidae Europaea I - Entomological book
llecerf at videotron.ca
- butterfly biology - help wanted
llecerf at videotron.ca
- South American Saturniidae
llecerf at videotron.ca
- Mex. Papilionidae & Pieridae Book Available
- Mex. Papilionidae & Pieridae Book Available
- Atlas of US (& No. Mex.) BF Updated
- Silent Spring Revisited
sebrez at webtv.net
- Dying Mourning Cloak?
sebrez at webtv.net
- bflies &BS
hugh carlyle wyatt hugh wyatt
- moths
Last message date:
Sun Oct 31 23:00:26 EST 1999
Archived on: Mon May 7 01:29:37 EDT 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).